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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Morishita, Masaaki, 1966- The empty museum : Western cultures and the artistic field in modern Japan. N4395.M67 2010 IN
Mixed Morison, Alex E. Coastal environments, site formation processes, and the latte period : examples from Tinian, Mariana Islads. VerF.0932 Pac. IN
Book Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887- History of United States naval operations in World War II. Pac.D773.M6 1975 IN
 3 Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976.
Book Moritani, Masanori. Japanese technology : getting the best of the least. Q127.U6M671 1982 IN
Book Moritz, C. Genetic diversity and the history of pacific island house geckos (Hemidactylus and Lepidodactylus). Pac.QL666.L245M67 1993 IN
Book Moritz, C. [et al]. Genetic diversity and the history of pacific island house geckos (Hemidactylus and Lepidodactylus). Pac.QL666.L245M67 1993 IN
Book Moritz, Craig. Conservation biology in Australia and Oceania. Pac.QH75.C66A9 1994 IN
Serial Moriwaki, H. "Global Warming and Pacific Islands. Pac.Per.Q1.A1O23 no.47 IN
Book Moriyama, Alan Takeo, 1948- Imingaisha : Japanese emigration companies and Hawaii, 1894-1908. Pac.JV8721.M67 1985 IN
Book Morkes, Andrew. Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance. Ref.HF5381.E52 2003 IN
Book Morlang, Thomas Rebellion in der Südsee: der Aufstand auf Ponape gegen die deutschen Kolonialherren 1910/11. Pac.DU645.M81P82 2010 IN
Book Morley, David See how they grow : monitoring child growth for appropriate health care in developing countries. Ref.RJ131.M67 1986 IN
Book Morley, David, 1923-2009. Reaching health for all. RA394.R32 1993 IN
Book Morley, David, 1949- Stuart Hall : critical dialogues in cultural studies. HM101.S85 1996 IN
 3 Morley, Deborah.
Book Morley-Fletcher, Hugo. Techniques of the world's great masters of pottery and ceramics. NK3780.T4 1984 IN
Book Morley, James William, 1921- The Pacific basin : new challenges for the United States. Pac.DS518.8.P33 1986 IN
Book Mormad, James. Alcohol and drug use in the Federated States of Micronesia : An assessment of the problem with implications for prevention and treatment. Pac.HV5135.A4M57 IN
Book Moron, Rogers C.B. Secretarial order no.2973 and proclamation : defining the authority and procedures for holding the plebiscite setting June 17, 1975 as the date for a Marianas District Plebiscite. Pac.DU645.S43 1975 IN
Book Moroni, Ronald P. Majuro Atoll Land Use Master Plan Project. Pac.HT395.M35M67 1990 IN
Book Morphonios, Ellen, 1929- Maximum Morphonios : the life and times of America's toughest judge. KF373.M573A3 1991 IN
Book Morrall, Clare Natural flights of the human mind : a novel. PR6113.075N38 2006 IN
Book Morrell, Benjamin. A narrative of voyages from the year 1822 to 1831. Pac.G530.M6 IN
Mixed Morrell, Thomas E. Eradication of Polynesian rats (Rattus Exulans) from Rose Atoll national wildlife refuge, American Samoa. Pac.QL737.R6E73 1991 IN
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