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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Gross, Ronald. The independent scholar's handbook. AZ103.G75 1993 IN
Book Gross, Ruth Belov. A book about your skeleton. CRC Pic.G76 1978 IN
Book Grosshandler, Janet. Coping with drinking and driving. HE5620.D7G76 1990 IN
Book Grossman, Gary M. [et al.]. Achieving educational excellence : the challenge of the 90's in the Federated States of Micronesia ; final report : Managing change for educational improvement (Draft). Pac.LA2270.F45G7 1990 IN
Book Grossman, Laurie. Colors of Israel. CRC DS118.G8853 2002 IN
Book Grossman, Lawrence S., 1948- Peasants, subsistence ecology, and development in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Pac.HD1537.P26G76 1984 IN
Book Grossman, Mark. Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War. Ref.UF500.G8 1995 IN
Book Grossman, Michael, 1942- The economic analysis of substance use and abuse : the experience of developed countries and lessons for developing countries. HV4999.2.E253 2001 IN
Book Grossman, Stanley I. Algebra and trigonometry. QA154.2.G89 1989 IN
Video Grossman, Stuart A. Controlling cancer pain. MITC VC 960 IN
Book Grossman, Victor, 1928- Crossing the river : a memoir of the American left, the Cold War, and life in East Germany. CT275.G7796A3 2003 IN
Mixed Grosvenor, Melville Bell. South Seas' Tonga hails a king. VerF 0545.68 Pac IN
Map Grosvenor, Melville Bell, 1901-1982. Holy Land today. Gov.G7421.S1 OUT
Book Groth-Marnet, Gary Handbook of psychological assessment. Ref.BF176.G76 2009 IN
Serial Group of Twenty-Four. International monetary and financial issues for the 1990s. Doc.HG3881.I57638 IN
Book Groushko, Michael. Lost treasures of the world. G525.G768 1993 IN
Book Grout, Donald Jay. A history of western music. ML160.G91 1980 IN
Book Grout, Pam. The 100 best worldwide vacations to enrich your life. Ref.L901.G76 2008 IN
Book Grover, Richard, 1950- Good governance in land tenure and administration. FAO.L230/6 2007 v.9 IN
Book Groves, Kenneth E. Report of an expendintion to Polynesia for the purpose of collecting fishes, epidemiological and ecological data relative to the problem of ichtyyotoxism : for the period : 4 January to 6 March 1951. Pac.QH541.15.T68G76 1951 IN
Book Groves, Sheree A. Pacific Islands : politics, economics, and international relations. Pac.DU29.P22 1991 IN
Book Grube, Ernst J. Peerless images : Persian painting and its sources. ND980.S57 2002 IN
Book Gruber, Howard E. The essential Piaget. Ref.BF723.C5P57 1995 IN
 2 Grubin, David
Book Gruelle, Johnny, 1880?-1938. The original adventures of Raggedy Andy. CRC PZ7.G92r 1996 IN
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