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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Hill, Larry. Continuing development of the Pohnpei State Land Use and Zoning Master Plan : building structural standards draft legislation; building code draft regulation; zoning draft legislation; land use suitability analysis. Pac.HT395.M5H56 IN
Book Hill, Linda Breaking through the shyness barrier: a course basic social skills for shy students. Pac.LB1124.S38 IN
 7 Hill, Margaret.
Mixed Hill, Margaret E. A Summer teacher program at Ponape. VerF(2)0141 Pac. IN
Book Hill, Mavis A., 1922- The edible sea. Pac.TX747.H54 1975 IN
Book Hill, Mike, 1964- Whiteness : a critical reader. E184.A1W398 1997 IN
Book Hill, Neville R. Assistance in the establishment of clay producsts manufacture, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: field survey of some clay deposite in Yap, Palau and Truk. Pac.TN943.M5H55 1979 IN
Book Hill, Paul J., 1921- The edible sea. Pac.TX747.H54 1975 IN
Serial Hill, Paul Thomas, 1943- A study of charter school accountability : national charter school accountability study. Gov.ED1.302:SCH6/42 IN
Mixed Hill, Peter Geological notes from the islands : the Oceanic Islands. VerF 0130.67 Pac IN
Book Hill, Reginald. On Beulah Height. PB HIL 1999 IN
Book Hill, Sam S. Psychologists' desk reference. Ref.RC467.2.P78 1998 IN
 5 Hill, Sandra.
Book Hill, Signe S. Success in practical/vocational nursing : from student to leader. RT62.H45 2009 IN
Book Hill, Susan. Phonics. LB1573.3.H55 1999 IN
Book Hill, Susanna Leonard. Not yet, Rose. CRC PZ7.H55 2009 IN
Book Hill, Walker H. Taxonomy of educational objectives : the classification of educational goals. LB17.T19 1984 IN
Book Hill, Walter B. Federal records relating to civil rights in the post-World War II era. Gov.AE 1.124:113 IN
Book Hillard, Shirley. One big hug. CRC PZ8.3.H55 2005 IN
Book Hillary, Annie ed. Proceedings of the World Heritage Marine Biodiversity Workshop; Hanoi, Viet Nam, February 25-March 1, 2002. Pac.QH198.A1P94 2003 IN
Book Hille, Jenny. Preservation and conservation for libraries and archives. Z701.B21 2005 IN
Book Hillen, Judith. Hardhatting in a geo-world. CRC QA461.H374 1986 IN
Book Hillen, Judith A. Pieces and patterns : a patchwork in math and science. CRC Q182.H55 1986 IN
Book Hillenbrand, Will, ill. The golden sandal : a Middle Eastern Cinderella. CRC PZ8.H5 1998 IN
Book Hillendahl, Wesley H. An evaluation of the economic impact of a general pay adjustment for indigenous employees of the government of the Trust Territory. Pac.HD5100.15.T7H55 1971 IN
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