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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Lusardi, Donna M. Home and school reading and study guides : the New book of knowledge. Ref.Z1037.H75 2008 IN
Mixed Luscombe, Belinda Marriage : what's it good for?. VF 353 LUS 2010 IN
 2 Lusitana, Donna
Video Lusitana, Donna E. Leif Ericson. Voyages of a viking. MITC VC 1331 IN
Book Luster, Arlene D.C. A directory of libraries and information sources in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Pac.Z870.L77 1977 IN
Book Luster, Arlene Leong. A directory of libraries and information sources in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Pac.Z870.L77 1981 IN
Video Lustig, Branko Kingdom of heaven. MITC DVD 246 IN
 3 Lutaladio, NeBambi.
 2 Lutgens, Frederick K.
Book Luther, William M. How to develop a business plan in 15 days. HD30.28.L88 1987 IN
Book Lutjen-Drecoll, Elke. Color atlas of anatomy : a photographic study of the human body. Ref.QM25.R55 2011 IN
Book Lutke, Fedor Petrovich, 1797-1882. Voyage autour du monde execute par ordre de Sa Majeste l'empereur Nicolas 1, sur la corvette le Seniavine, dans les annees 1826, 1827 et 1829. Pac.G420.L93 IN
 4 Lutkehaus, Nancy
 3 Lutton, Nancy.
Book Lutton, Wayne. The immigration invasion. JV6493.L87 1994 IN
Book Lutulele, Robert. Papua New Guinea horticulture industry sector study. Pac.HD9000.9.P26M38 2005 IN
Book Lutyk, Carol Bittig. Our world's heritage. Ref.CC135.O87 1987 IN
Book Lutz, Catherine. Unnatural emotions : everyday sentiments on a Micronesian atoll & their challenge to western theory. Pac.GN671.C3L87 1988 IN
Book Lutz, Catherine Anne. Emotion words and emotional development on Ifaluk Atoll. Pac.BF531.L8 IN
Book Lutz, Catherine, ed. Micronesia as strategic colony : the impact of U.S. policy on Micronesian health and culture. Pac.DU500.4.M49 1984 c.3 IN
 2 Lutz, John.
Book Lutz, John, 1939- Chill of night. PB LUT 2006 OUT
Book Lutz, Mark. Programming python. QA76.73.P9L87 1996 IN
Book Lutz, Peter L. The biology of sea turtles. QL666.C536 B56 1997 v.2 IN
Book Lutz, William. Double-speak : from "revenue enhancement" to "terminal living": how government, business, advertisers, and others use language to deceive you. P409.L88 1989 IN
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