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Book Ellis, Anne Leo. Dabble duck. CRC Pic.E1 1984 IN
Book Ellis, Art, ill. Snoopy's book of opposites. CRC Pic.S4 1987 IN
Book Ellis, Barbara W. Rodale’s ultimate encyclopedia of organic gardening : the indispensable green resource for every gardener. Ref.SB453.5.R65 2009 IN
Book Ellis, Carson, 1975- The beautiful stories of life : six Greek myths, retold. BL783.R95 2009 IN
Book Ellis, David, 1967- Guilty wives : a novel. PB PAT 2013 OUT
Book Ellis, David B. Becoming a master student : tools, techniques, hints, ideas, illustrations, instructions, examples, methods, procedures, processes, skills, resources, and suggestions for success. LB2343.3.E44 1984 IN
Serial Ellis, David H. The natural history of Caroline atoll, Southern Line Islands, [Republic of Kiribati, Micronesia]. Pac.QE565.A8 no. 397-398 IN
Book Ellis, Deborah, 1960- The breadwinner. PZ7.E5b 2001 IN
Book Ellis, Deborah A. Assessing children's well-being : a handbook of measures. RJ50.A835 2004 IN
 2 Ellis, Eileen
Serial Ellis, Eileen Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hawaii. Comparison of simple land-based rearing techniques with traditional lagoon-based nursery methods for black-lip pearl oyster spat (Pinctada margaritifera.
Book Ellis, Elmo Israel. Opportunities in broadcasting career. HE8689.6.E43 1999 IN
Mixed Ellis, Emory Memorandum. Pac.TL726.7.M625M46 1983 IN
Book Ellis, Frank, 1947- Land, cane, and coconuts : papers on the rural economy of Fiji. Pac.HD2197.7.B79 1985 IN
Book Ellis, Harlan F., ed. Childbirth without fear : the original approach to natural childbirth. RG652.D55 1959 IN
Book Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939. The sexual life of savages in North-Western Melanesia : an ethnographic account of courtship, marriage, and family life among the natives of the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea. Pac. HQ504. M36 1929 IN
Book Ellis, Judith A. Selected Essays in Electronic Recordkeeping in Australia. HF5736.E43 IN
Book Ellis, Juniper Tattooing the world : Pacific design in print and skin. Pac.GT2345.E4 2008 IN
Book Ellis, Junius. Your top investing moves for retirement. HG4527.E55 1997 IN
Book Ellis, Kim, ill. Snoopy's book of opposites. CRC Pic.S4 1987 IN
Book Ellis, Lewis Ethan, 1898- 40 million schoolbooks can't be wrong : myths in American history. E178.3.E5 1975 IN
Book Ellis, Mary Jackson. Creative art ideas: third and fourth grades. N361.E5 1959 IN
Book Ellis, Murray. Greenhouse gas mitigation in countries participating in the Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme (PICCAP). Pac.QC912.3.E4 2000 IN
Book Ellis, Norman R. Handbook of mental deficiency : psychological theory and research. BF435.E55 1963 IN
Book Ellis, Peter Berresford. A dictionary of Irish mythology. Ref.BL980.I7.E45 1989 IN
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