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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Harris, David. The calligrapher's bible : 100 complete alphabets and how to draw them. Z43.H37 2003 IN
Book Harris, David P. (David Payne), 1925- Testing English as a second language. PE1128.A2H24 1969 IN
Book Harris, Douglas E. Succeeding with standards : linking curriculum, assessment, and action planning. LB3060.83.C37 2001 IN
Book harris, E. Ann. Managing classroom crises. LB3013.H33 2000 IN
 2 Harris, Ed.
Book Harris, Eddy L. Mississippi solo : a river quest. F355.H37 1988 IN
Book Harris, Frederick Brown, 1883- Prayers offered by the Chaplain of the Senate of the United States at the opening of the daily sessions of the Senate of the United States during the Ninety-Eight Congress, 1983-1984. BV280.U47 IN
Book Harris, G.T. Agricultural extension in the village : two evaluation projects in the New Guinea Highlands. Pac.S479.P3A17 1975 no.9 IN
Serial Harris, Graham An indigenous Maori potato or unique Maori cultivars?/.
Book Harris, Grant T. Risk assessment for domestically violent men : tools for criminal justice, offender intervention, and victim services. HV6626.H56 2010 IN
Book Harris, Greg, ill. Lizards!. CRC Pic.N53 2000 OUT
 2 Harris, Ian.
Video Harris, Jared Pompeii. MITC DVD 727 IN
Book Harris, Jeanette, 1936- Contexts writing and reading. P211.H367 1993 IN
 2 Harris, Jeremy, 1950-
Book Harris, Jesse G. Prediction of success on a lonely Pacific island: Peace Corps style. Pac.Per.HC60.5.H74 1970 v.3:1 IN
 2 Harris, Joanne, 1964-
 2 Harris, John
Book Harris, Jonathan M. A survey of ecological economics. HD75.6.S855 1995 IN
Book Harris, Joseph The encyclopedia of the brain and brain disorders. Ref.QP376.T84 2008 IN
 2 Harris, Joseph, 1951 Dec. 20-
Book Harris, Judi. Design tools for the Internet-supported classroom. LB1044.87.H24 1998 IN
Book Harris, Larry Allen, 1940- joint author. Reading difficulties : instruction and assessment. LB1050.5.T34 1988 IN
Book Harris, Leann. Trouble in Texas. PB HAR 1995 OUT
Book Harris, Lee. The Labor Day murder. PB HAR 1998 IN
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