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 2 Sud¯o, Ken'ichi, 1946-
Book Suda, Elfriede (Cathy). Motion pictures in Chuuk State : study of the impact of videos in Weno. Pac.DU568.T7X3 1992b IN
Mixed Suddath, Claire Does obesity rehab work?. VF 365 SUD 2010 OUT
Mixed Sudo, Ken-ichi Land tenure and social structure in Micronesia. VerF 0164.87 Pac IN
 2 Sudo, Ken'ichi.
Book Sudo, Ken'ichi, 1946- Collective works of Hijikata Hisakatsu. Pac.GN669.H5413 1997 v. 4 IN
Book Sudzina, Mary R. Case study applications for teacher education : cases of teaching and learning in the content areas. LB1715 .S796 1999 IN
Book Sue, Augustine Town Study Project : student papers. Pac.DU568.T7X3 1985 IN
Video Sue Moses FSM president inaguration. MITC DVD 1388 IN
Book Sue, Stanley. Asian Americans: a success story?. Pac.E184.O6A692 1973 IN
Book Sued Badillo, Jalil. General history of the Caribbean. F2175.G28 2003 IN
Book Sueda, Kelly. The gift of Hawai'i : island inspirations. Pac.BJ1595.R53 2002 IN
Book Sueda, Shosu The impact of culture on childbearing and childrearing, June 4 - 8, 1973 Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pac.RG556.U55 1973 IN
Book Suehisa, R. H. (Robert H.) Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on growth, fruiting, and petiole composition of bearing papaya plants. Pac.S667.P27A93 1986 IN
Book Suehisa, Robert H. Effects of silicates on phosporous availability to Sudan grass grown in Hawaiia soils. Pac.S651.5.S84 1963 IN
 2 Sueo, Kuwahara
Book Sugai, George M., 1951- School-based behavioral assessment : informing intervention and instruction. LB1124.C34 2007 IN
Book Sugar, James A. America's sunset coast. F852.2.W56 1978 IN
Video Sugarman, Burt Children of a lesser god. MITC VC 855 IN
Book Sugarman, Léonie, 1950- Life-span development : frameworks, accounts, and strategies. BF713.S84 2001 IN
Book Sugarman, Susan. Piaget's construction of the child's reality. BF723.P36S84 1987 IN
 2 Sugawara, Hiroko.
Book Sugden, Craig. Papua New Guinea : coping with shocks and achieving broad based economic development. Pac.HC683.5.F362 1998 IN
Book Sugden, Craig, joint author. The economy of Papua New Guinea : 1996 report. Pac.HC687.P3K56 1996 IN
Book Suggs, Charles. Tourism research priorities in Hawaii and the Pacific. Pac.G155.U6T68a 1979 IN
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