View previous page View next page Author Search:  Mathews, Christopher K., 1937-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Martin, Ralph G., 1920- Cissy. CT275.P42.M36 1979 IN
Book Martin, Renee. Teamthink : using the sports connection to develop, motivate and manage a winning business team. HF5386.M363 1993 IN
Book Martin, Richard C. Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world. Ref.BP40.E525 2004 IN
Book Martin, Richard P. Bulfinch's mythology. Ref.BL310.B82 1991 IN
Book Martin, Roberta. Guide to the Confucian tradition. B127.C65 G93 1997 IN
Mixed Martin, S. R., Colonel. Aircrew survival : Air Force pamphlet 36-2246. GF86.A47A47 1996 IN
 2 Martin, Samuel Elmo, 1924-
Book Martin, Susan E. Alcohol and interpersonal violence : fostering multidisciplinary perspectives. Gov.HE20.8216:24/993 IN
Book Martin, Thomas R., 1947- Ancient Greece : from prehistoric to Hellenistic times. DF77.M3 2000 OUT
Book Martin, Tim Guidelines for undertaking rapid biodversity assessments in terrestrial and marine environments in the Pacific. Pac.QH77.O3G85 2014 IN
 5 Martin, Tony.
Book Martin, Valerie, 1948- Trespass : a novel. PS3563.A7295T74 2007 IN
Book Martin, Vincent, 1969- Preparing for highly pathogenic avian Influenza. FAO.RA644.I6M373 2009 IN
Book Martin, William Keble. The concise British flora in colour. QK306.M36 1965 IN
Book Martinek, Thomas J., joint author, 1943- Growth and development : the child and physical activity. RJ131.Z1 1980 IN
Video Martinez, Achipen Choosing forever. MITC DVD 50 IN
Book Martinez Beltran, J. Materials for subsurface land drainage systems. FAO.TC970.S88 2005 IN
Book Martinez, D. P. (Dolores P.), 1957- Identity and ritual in a Japanese diving village : the making and becoming of person and place. GN635.J2M27 2004 IN
Book Martinez, Ed., ill. My prairie summer. CRC Pic.G43 1998 IN
Book Martinez, Iciar. Application of modern analytical techniques to ensure seafood safety and authenticity. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Martinez, Joseph G. R., 1946- Reading and writing to learn mathematics : a guide and a resource book. QA135.5.M3665 2001 IN
Book Martinez, Libby, author. Where is Bear? : a terrific tale for 2-year-olds. CRC PZ7.M36 2017 IN
Book Martinez, Michele, 1962- Most wanted. PB MAR 2005 IN
Book Martinez, Monica. Research into practice 2006. Pac.LA2200.R47P32 2006 IN
Book Martinez, Nancy C. (Nancy Conrad) Reading and writing to learn mathematics : a guide and a resource book. QA135.5.M3665 2001 IN
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