View previous page View next page Author Search:  Markstein, Linda.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Martinez, Sylvia Libow Meaningful Making : projects and inspirations for fab labs and makerspaces. TS171.57.M43 2016 IN
Video Martinez, William. You have changed my life. MITC DVD 398 IN
Book Martini, Chiara. Livestock sector policies and programmes in developing countries : a menu for practitioners. FAO.SF55.D44P53 2010 IN
Book Martini, Steve. The arraignment. PB MAR 2003 IN
Book Martinusen, Julia. Better homes and gardens meatless main dishes. TX740.B46 1981 IN
Video Marton, Eva TOSCA. MITC VC 170 IN
Book Martone, Elisabetta, author. Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance : Gaeta, Italy, 5-7 November 2012. FAO.SH135.F36 2012 IN
Book Martorana, S. V. (Sebastian Vincent), 1919-2000. Managing academic change : [interactive forces and leadership in higher education]. LB2341.M36 1975 IN
Book Marty, Martin E., 1928- The varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature. BL53.J36 1982 IN
Video Marty Stouffer Productions. Krakatoa the day that shook the world. MITC VC 100 IN
Book Martyniuk, Elzbieta. The legal framework for the management of animal genetic resources. FAO.L524/2 2005 no.89 IN
Book Martz, Charles Hawaii and the other Pacific islands. Pac.HD91.M37 1948 IN
Book Martz, Geoff. Cracking the ACT. Ref.LB2353.48.M37 2002 IN
Book Martz, Louis Lohr. Collected poems, 1912-1944. PS3507.O726A6 1983 IN
Book Maruki, Toshi, 1912- Toshi Maruki exhibition : island ways : impressions from the Micronesia, Palau and Yap Islands of 1940. Pac. ND1059.M32A3 IN
 2 Marutani, Mari
Book Maruyama, Meredith Enman. Japan health handbook. RA773.N379 1995 IN
Book Marvel, Tom, 1901-1970. The new Congo,. DT652.M36 1948 IN
 2 Marvich, Detta
 2 Marvin, Mary A.
Book Marvin, Ursula B. Field and laboratory investigations of Antarctic meteorties collected by United States expeditions, 1985-1987. Gov. SI 1.26:30 IN
Book Marwick, Lawrence, 1909- Yiddish American popular songs, 1895 to 1950 : a catalog based on the Lawrence Marwick roster of copyright entries. Gov.LC 1.12/2:Y 5/2 IN
Book Marx, Christy. Writing for animation, comics & games. PN1996.M36 2007 IN
Book Marx, Groucho, 1891-1977. The Groucho letters : letters from and to Groucho Marx. PN2287.M53 A4 1987 IN
Book Marx, Pamela. Practical plays. CRC PS3563.A755M37 1993 IN
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