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Book Badami, Anita Rau. The hero's walk : a novel. PR9499.3.B17H47 2001 IN
 9 Badcock, Jacqui.
Book Badcock, Jacqui, South Pacific Commission. The 1987/88 national nutrition survey of the Federated States of Micronesia : summary report prepared for the Government and the Department of Human Resources of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.TX360.F32N57 (Summ.) 1989b IN
Book Bader, Carol H. Keys to better college reading. LB2395.3.B22 1994 IN
Video Bades, Allison A woman's work : never ends. MITC VC 1375 IN
Book Badgwell, J. Michael. Technical manual of anesthesiology : an introduction. RD81.T43 1989 IN
Book Badner, Mino. Two studies of art in the Pacific area : the protruding tongue and related motifs in the art styles of the American Northwest Coast, New Zealand and China. Pac.GN4.W5Bd15 IN
Book Badshah, Akhtar. Connected for development : information kiosks and sustainability. Doc.HC79.I55C6697 2005 IN
Book Badyina, Anna. Self-made cities : in search of sustainable solutions for informal settlements in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region. Doc.HD7287.96.E85S45 2009 IN
Mixed Bae, Woori Apoptosis-inducing activity of marine sponge Haliclona sp. extracts collected from Kosrae in nonsmall cell lung cancer A549 Cells. VerF.0924 Pac. IN
Serial Bae, Yupin. Trends in educational equity of girls & women. Gov.ED1.302:EQ1 IN
Book Baechle, Thomas R., 1943- Essentials of strength training and conditioning. GV711.5.E88 2000 IN
Book Baehr, P. R. (Peter R.) Non-governmental human rights organizations in international relations. JZ4841.B34 2009 IN
Book Baer, Gene, 1927- Thump, thump, rat-a-tat-tat. CRC Pic. B33 1989 IN
Book Baer, Judy Norah's ark. PS3552.A33N67 2006 IN
Book Baer, Rod. ESL through content-area instruction : mathematics, science studies. PE1128.A2E745 1995 IN
Book Baez, Benjamin. Intellectual property in the information age : knowledge as commodity and its legal implications for higher education. KF2979.S7 2009 IN
Book Bagby, Janet H. Early childhood activities for creative educators. CRC LB1139.35.A37B75 2001 IN
Book Bagdasarian, Ross. A Chipmunk Christmas. CRC Pic.S86 1985 IN
Book Bagert, Brod. Edgar Allan Poe. CRC PS2605.B34 1995 IN
Book Baggage, Ross, 1949- The Soviets in the Pacific in the 1990s. Pac.DK68.7.P16S67 1989 IN
 5 Baggett, Blaine
Book Baggini, Julian. The pig that wants to be eaten : 100 experiments for the armchair philosopher. B68.B14 2006 IN
Book Bagin, Donald, 1938- The school and community relations. LC221.K56 1994 IN
Book Bagley, Desmond, 1923- The enemy. PB BAG 2003 IN
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