View previous page View next page Author Search:  Manoa, Fulori
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Maltese, John Anthony. Spin control : the White House Office of Communications and the management of presidential news. JK518.M35 1994 IN
Book Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834. An essay on the principle of population. HB861.E7 1998 IN
 2 Maltin, Leonard.
Book Maltz, Susan. A fork in the road : a career planning guide for young adults. HF5381.M35 2003 IN
Book Malunga, Chiku Watchman. NGO management : the Earthscan companion. HD62.6.N52 2010 OUT
Book Malzeke-McDonald, Karen, ill. Barney's farm animals. CRC Pic.K221 1993 OUT
Book Mamae, d. 1889. War and succession in Mangaia from Mamae's texts. Pac.GN671.C6R455 2003 IN
Book Mamak, Alexander. Paradise postponed : essays on research and development in the South Pacific. Pac.H62.5.P3Y68 1976 IN
 3 Mamet, David.
Book Mamigonian, Beatriz G. (Beatriz Gallotti), 1969- The human tradition in the Atlantic world, 1500-1850. D210.H96 2010 IN
Book Mamuro Endo The Sohgen maru in Palau and Pohnpei 1995. Pac.QR106.M33 1996 c. 1 IN
Book Man in New Guinea Research in Melanesia. Pac.GN671.N5R47 1979 IN
Book Man, John. The traveler's atlas : a global guide to the places you must see in a lifetime. G153.4.T76 1998 IN
Book Manabe, Syukuro. A better future for the planet Earth : lectures by the winners of the Blue Planet Prize. TD170.3.B47 1997 IN
Book Management. 21. HD57.7.L4374 1999 IN
 3 Management for Change Programme. Canadian International Development Agency.
Book Management Sciences for Health (Firm) Managing drug supply : the selection, procurement, distribution, and use of pharmaceuticals. BT LRA401.D44M31 1997 box180 IN
Book Manalang, Priscila S. A Philippine rural school : its cultural dimension. LC5148.P6M31 1977 IN
Book Manceron, Claude. Twilight of the old order, 1774-1778. DC145.M31 1977 IN
Book Mänchen-Helfen, Otto. The world of the Huns : studies in their history and culture. D141.M33 1973 IN
Book Manchess, Gregory. The conquering sword of Conan. PS3515.O842C68 2005 IN
 2 Manchester, William Raymond, 1922-
Video Mancuso, Angela Spartacus. MITC ENT 18 OUT
Book Mancuso, Carolina, 1947- Teaching with joy : educational practices for the twenty-first century. LC995.T22 2006 IN
Mixed Mand church Wielamelam kesilipak en Mwomwohdiso en Mand. VerF(2) 0136.2021 IN
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