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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Reingold, Edwin M. Chrysanthemums and thorns : the untold story of modern Japan. DS822.5.R45 1992 IN
Book Reinhart, Susan M. Giving academic presentations. PE1128.R442 2002 OUT
Video Reinking, Ann Annie. MITC DVD 247 IN
Book Reinking, James A. Improving college writing : a book of exercises. PE1408.R44 1981 IN
Serial Reinman, Fred Guam pre-history: first sytematic survey of Guam latte sites.
Book Reinman, Fred R. An archaeological survey and preliminary test excavations on the Island of Guam, Mariana Islands, 1965-1966. Pac.GN875.G3R45 IN
Book Reis, Harry T. Encyclopedia of human relationships. Ref.HM1106.E53 2009 IN
 3 Reischauer, Edwin O. (Edwin Oldfather), 1910-
Book Reischauer, Haru Matsukata, 1915-1998. Samurai and silk : Japanese and American heritage. DS881.97 .R44 1986 IN
Book Reiser, Lori, ill. Here comes the circus train!. CRC Pic.T77 1995 IN
Book Reish, Donald J. Biology of the oceans. QH91.1.R27 1969 IN
Book Reisinger, William M. Can democracy take root in post-Soviet Russia? : explorations in the state-society relations. JN6699.A15C36 1998 IN
Book Reisner, Marc. Cadillac desert : the American West and its disappearing water. HD1739.A17R45 1993 IN
Book Reiss, Bob The side effect. PB REI 2006 IN
Book Reiss, Leonard. Getting rich outside the dollar. HG3851.W39 1993 IN
Book Reiss, R. Dean, (Ronald Dean), 1940- Introduction to linear algebra. QA184.J63 1997 IN
Mixed Reiss, Thomas E. Yap Islands natural coastal systems and vulnerability to potential accelerated sea-level rise. Pac.GB450.J68 1977 IN
Book Reitsperger, Wolf D. The dynamics of global cooperation and competition : 7th annual proceedings : International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business (ISPAB), Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994 and PAMI-Chulalongkorn Workshop, International management education and curriculum development, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994. Pac.HC412.I58 1994 IN
Book Reitz, Joan M. Dictionary for library and information science. Ref.Z1006.R45 2004 IN
Video Rekant, Stuart Ponce De León. The first conquistador. MITC VC 1330 IN
Serial Reklai, Leilani N. Editor-in-Chief. Koshiba rejects package turnover of Compact Road.
Book Relech, Sea Last. Documentation of Mortlockese giant swamp taro cultivars and other local foods on Ta, Moch, and Satowan, May 2006. Pac.SB211.T2L46 2006 IN
Book Relf, Patricia. The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow. CRC Pic.R45 1995 OUT
Mixed Religion material Koht kupwurki komwi en pwetepwet?. VerF 0583 Pac. c.2 IN
Video Religions of the World Skepticism & religious relativism. MITC VC 50 B IN
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