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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Ielemia, Apisai Prime Minister, Tuvalu. A threat to our human rights : Tuvalu's perspective on climate change.
Book Ielemia, Temukisa. Why turtle can no longer fly : a Tuvaluan legend. Pac.PZ10.3.I44 1995 IN
Book Ienaga, Saburo. Japanese art : a cultural appreciation. DS821.I3813 1979 IN
Book Ienaga, Saburo, 1913- The Pacific war : World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945. Pac.D767.2.I313 1978 IN
Book Ienega, Saburó, 1913 Japanese art : a cultural appreciation. DS821.I3813 1979 IN
 2 Iese, Viliamu
 2 Ieshi, Dernita
Book Ieuti, Teeruro Island churches : challenge and change. Pac.BR1490.F5 1992 IN
Book IFIP TC3/WG3.5 International Working Conference on Learning with Techynologies in School,Home and Community (2002: Manchester, England). Learning in school, home, and community : ICT for early and elementary education : IFIP TC3/WG3.5 International Working Conference on Learning with Technologies in School, Home and Community, June 30-July 5, 2002, Manchester, United Kingdom. LB1139.35.C64I45 2003 IN
Book IFLA General Conference. International genealogy and local history : papers presented by the Genealogy and Local History Section at IFLA General Conferences 2001-2005. Z675.G44I58 2008 IN
Book IFLA General Conference (65th : 1999 : Bangkok, Thailand) Collecting and safeguarding the oral traditions : an international conference, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 16-19 August 1999, organized as a Satellite Meeting of the 65th IFLA General Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 1999. D16.14.C68 2001 IN
Book IFLA Programme for UAP. IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation. Z681.3.D53G68 1999 IN
Book IFLA Programme on Preservation and Conservation. IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation. Z681.3.D53G68 1999 IN
Book Ifrah, Georges. The universal history of numbers : from prehistory to the invention of the computer. Ref.QA141.I7 2000 IN
Book Ifuku, Glenn. Hawaii's income and expenditure accounts, 1958-1968. Pac.HC687.H3H34 1970 IN
Book Iggulden, Margaret Chance of a lifetime. CRC PZ6.I44 2000 IN
Book Iglesias, Karl. Writing for emotional impact : advanced dramatic techniques to attract, engage, and fascinate the reader from beginning to end. PN1996.I39 2005 IN
Book Ignacio, Lemuel F. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders : (is there such an ethnic group?). Pac.E184.O6I38 IN
Book Ignatieff, Michael. Isaiah Berlin : a life. B1618.B454I45 1999 IN
Book Igout, Michel. Phnom Penh then and now. DS554.98.P6I36 1993 IN
Book Iguel, Silvestre Gumualo. Pac.PL5295.G83 IN
Book Iguel, Sylvestre. [Chamorro language materials]. Pac.PL5295.Z77I47 1979 v.2 IN
Book Ihimaera, Witi. Aotearoa New Zealand : faces of the land. Pac.DU406.L48 1995 IN
 2 Ihimaera, Witi, 1944-
Book Ihimaera, Witi Tame, 1944- Bulibasha : king of the gypsies. Pac.PR9639.3.I5B85 1994 IN
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