View previous page View next page Author Search:  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Bioenergy and Food Security Project.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Fritz, April. International Classification of Diseases for Oncology. Gov.HE20.3152: ON 1/6/2000 IN
 3 Fritz, Deborah A. (Deborah Angela), 1955-
 10 Fritz, Georg.
Book Fritz, Georg, District Captain in Saipan. The Chamorro : a history and ethnography of the Marianas. Pac.DU645.F74 1989 IN
Book Fritz, Jack Speeches at ceremonies, events, activities, relevant to the Federated States of Micronesia and the College of Micronesia-FSM.
 2 Fritz, Jack 1950-
Book Fritz, Jean. The great little Madison. CRC E342.F91 1993 IN
Book Fritz, Paul (Paul W.) Cultural landscape report for the Nelson House grounds : colonial national historical park, Yorktown, Virginia : site history, existing conditions, analysis, and evaluation. Gov.I29.86/4:N33 2011 IN
Book Fritz, Richard J., 1950- MARC21 for everyone : a practical guide. Ref.Z699.35.M28F75 2003 IN
 2 Fritze, Ronald H, 1951-
Book Fritzen, Dorothy The spinning winds : typhoons- how to protect against them. Pac.QC948.G8F7 IN
Book Fritzsch, Harald, 1943- Elementary particles : building blocks of matter. QC793.26.F91 2005 IN
Book Frobenius, Leo, 1873-1938. The voice of Africa : being an account of the travels of the German Inner African Exploration Expedition in the years 1910-1912. DT351.F853 1968 IN
Video Froeschel, George Scaramouche. MITC DVD 101 IN
Serial Froeschner, Richard C. Lace bug genera of the World, II : subfamily Tinginae : tribes Litadeini and Ypsotinini ( Heteroptera : Tingidae ). Gov.SI1.27:611 IN
Book Froese, R FishBase 97 : Concepts, design and data sources. Ref.QL615.F571 1997 IN
Book Froman, Nan. Finding the Titanic. CRC G530.T6B495 1993 OUT
Book Fromberg, Doris Pronin, 1937- Play and meaning in early childhood education. LB1139.35.P55F76 2002 IN
 2 Fromkin, David.
 3 Fromm, Erich, 1900-
Video Fromstein, Mitchell. Personnel. MITC VC 1002 E IN
Book Froning, Jr., Donald J. Pohnpei shipwreck survey, phase one : August 3-22, 1999, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia: final report. Pac.VK1294.P64F56 2000 c.3 IN
Computer Front, Rebecca. An introduction to classical music. CD ROM 0200 1993 IN
Book Frost, Alan, 1943- Voyage of the Endeavour : Captain Cook and the discovery of the Pacific. Pac.G420.C73F76 1998 IN
Serial Frost, Darrel R. Phylogenetic relationships of hedgehogs and gymnures (Mammalia, Insectivora, Erinaceidae). Gov. SI 1.27:518 IN
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