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Book Shand, R. T. (Richard Tregurtha) The economy of Papua New Guinea; projections and policy issues. Pac.HC687.P3S5 1971 IN
Book Shane, Harold G. (Harold Gray), 1914-1993. Linguistics and the classroom teacher; some implications for instruction in the mother tongue. LB1578.S4 1967 IN
 2 Shaner, Pete.
Book Shang, Yung C. A preliminary economic assessment of aquaculture development in the Federated States of Micronesia and Fiji. Pac.SH133.F34S43 IN
Book Shang, Yung-Cheng, 1930- Test marketing of giant clams as seafood and as aquarium specimens in selected markets. Pac.HD9472.C52T47 1992 c.2 IN
Book Shang, Yung-Ching. Hawaii's income and expenditure accounts, 1958-1968. Pac.HC687.H3H34 1970 IN
Video Shanghai TV Station Shanghai at the turn of the century. MITC DVD 184 IN
Book Shank, Patti, 1954- The online learning idea book : 95 proven ways to enhance technology-based and blended learning. LB1028.5.O5 2007 IN
Book Shank, Peggy. Painted ponies : American carousel art. NK5033.M36 1986 IN
Video Shankar, Ravi. Gandhi. MITC DVD 304 IN
Book Shanker, James L. Locating and correcting reading difficulties. LB1050.5.E38 2013 IN
 2 Shanker, Stuart.
Book Shankle, George Earlie. American nicknames; their origin and significance. Ref.E179.S545 1955 IN
Book Shankman, Marcy Levy. Emotionally intelligent leadership : a guide for college students. LB2805.S544 2008 IN
Book Shanks, Niall, 1959- God, the devil, and Darwin : a critique of intelligent design theory. BS651.S54 2003 OUT
Book Shanley, Patricia, 1955- ed. Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life. FAO.QK98.4.A53 2011 IN
Book Shanmugasundaram, S. Vegetable research in South Asia : proceedings of the South Asia Vegetable Research Network (SAVERNET-II) Mid-term Review Meeting 5-9 February 1999 AVRDC, Taiwan. SB320.8.A785V33 2000 IN
Book Shannon, David, 1959- ill. The rough-face girl. CRC E99.A349M37 1992 IN
 2 Shannon, George.
Book Shannon, Joe. Representation abroad. N6758.S48 1985 IN
Video Shanxi Bureau for the Preservation of Cultural and Historical Relics Distant tower bells. MITC DVD 84 IN
Book Shany, Noam A field guide to the birds of Peru. Ref.QL689.P4C54 2001 IN
Book Shany, Yuval. Manual on international courts and tribunals. Ref.JX3091.M26S26 1999 IN
 2 Shapero, Rich.
Book Shapin, Steven. A social history of truth : civility and science in seventeenth-century England. Q175.52.G7S48 1994 IN
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