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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Pierce, Stan Voyage of the Lee. MITC VC 143 IN
Book Pierce, William L., Ph. D. The encyclopedia of adoption. Ref.RA773.A28 1991 IN
Book Piercy, LaRue W. Hawaii's missionary saga : sacrifice and godliness in paradise. Pac.BV3680.H4A3 1992 IN
 3 Pieris, W.V.D.
 5 Pieris, W. V. D. William Victor David.
Book Pieris, W.V.D. (William Victor David), Geneticist, Coconut Research Scheme. An essay on the uses of the coconut palm together with an illustrated guide to coconuts. Pac.SB401.C6P547 1936 IN
Book Pierre J. Gerber Tackling climate change through livestock : a global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities. FAO.TD885.5.C3T33 2013 IN
Book Pierson, Brian. United States Air Force 60th anniversary : lessons learned in airpower throughout the ages. Gov.D301.82/7:L56 IN
Book Pierson, Joy. The Candle Cafe cookbook : more than 150 enlightened recipes from New York's renowned vegan restaurant. TX837.P5293 2003 IN
Book Pierson, Peter. The history of Spain. DP66.P53 1999 IN
Book Piest, Oscar. Utilitarianism. B1571.M6 1957 IN
Book Pietrodangelo, Donato (Danny) A practical guide to marketing for public agencies and non-profit organizations: marketing library and information services. Z716.3.K79 2000 IN
Book Pietrusewsky, Michael. Prehistoric human skeletal remains from Papua New Guinea and the Marquesas. Pac.GN851.A84 IN
Book Pietrusewsky, Michael [et al.] An assessment of health and disease in the prehistoric inhabitants of the Mariana Islands. Pac.GN57.C34P61 IN
Book Pietsch, James H Deciding what's next and who in the world cares? a legal handbook for Hawai?i's older persons, families and caregivers. Pac.KFH91.A3P53 2014 IN
Book Pietschmann, Victor. Hawaiian shore fishes. Pac.QL636.5.H3P5 IN
Book Piggott, Reg. Renaissance and Reformation. D228.C12 1987 IN
 2 Piggott, Stuart.
Serial Pigliasco, Guido Carlo From colonial pomp to tourism reality : commodification and cannibalization of the Fijian firewalking ceremony.
Book Pihana na Mamo Native Hawaiian Special Education Project Pono : the way of living. Pac.DU624.C47 2006 no.1 IN
Book Pihana na? Mamo (Project) Welina : traditional and contemporary ways of welcome and hospitality. Pac.DU624.65.C479 2006 IN
 3 Pihana nà Mamo Native Hawaiian Special Education Project
Book Pihigia, Tongia. Land tenure in Niue. Pac.HD1129.N58L35 1977 IN
Video Pihlippo, Witten The US and Marshall islands the next 20 years. MITC DVD 549 IN
Book Piianaia, Abraham. Swains Island, including extracts from the Abraham Piianaia and Killarney Opiopio, Jan. 12-Feb. 23, 1936. Pac.DU819.A1S83 1974 IN
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