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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Zubizarreta, John. The learning portfolio : reflective practice for improving student learning. LB1029.P67Z82 2004 IN
 11 Zuccarelli, Alex.
Book Zuck, Roy B. The Bible knowledge commentary : an exposition of the scriptures. Ref.BS491.2.B48 1985 IN
Book Zucker, Elana D., 1941- Being a homemaker/home health aide. RA645.3.B45 2006 IN
Book Zucker, Ross, 1952- Democratic distributive justice. JC423.Z8 2001 IN
 2 Zucker, William H.
Book Zuckerman, Ben, 1943- Human population and the environmental crisis. HB849.415.H86 1996 IN
Book Zuckerman, Edward L. Clinician's thesaurus, 4th edition : the guidebook for writing psychological reports. Ref.RZ455.2.M38Z823 1995 IN
Book Zuckert, Michael P., 1942- Launching liberalism : on Lockean political philosophy. JC153.L87Z8 2002 IN
Book Zuehlke, Mark, 1955- Magazine writing from the boonies. Z286.P4D66 1992 IN
Serial Zuercher, Deborah. Samoan success: On the journey to building highly qualified teachers.
 4 Zug, George R.
Book Zug, George R., 1938- Speciation and dispersal in a low diversity taxon : the slender geckos Hemiphyllodactylus (Reptilia, Gekkonidae). Gov.SI 1.27:631 IN
Book Zug, James, 1969- American traveler : the life and adventures of John Ledyard, the man who dreamed of walking the world. G226.L5Z84 2005 IN
Book Zuk, Judith D. The American Horticultural Society A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants. Ref.SB403.2.A45 2004 IN
Book Zukav, Gary. The seat of the soul. BP605.N48Z85 1990 IN
Book Zukowski, John. Java AWT reference. QA76.73.J38Z85 1997 IN
Book Zull, James E. (James Elwood), 1939- The art of changing the brain : enriching teaching by exploring the biology of learning. LB1057.Z9 2002 IN
Serial Zuloaga, Fernando O. A revision of the genus Olyra and the new segregate genus Parodiolyra (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Olyreae). Gov. SI 1.29:69 IN
Book Zumberge, James Herbert. Laboratory manual for physical geology. QE505.Z85 1967 IN
Book Zumbo, Bruno D. Evaluation in distance education and e-learning : the unfolding model. LC5800.R84 2009 IN
 3 Zumdahl, Steven S.
Book Zundel, Alan F., 1952- Declarations of dependency : the civic republican tradition in U.S. poverty policy. HC110.P6Z9 2000 IN
Book Zunes, Stephen. Tinderbox : U.S. foreign policy and the roots of terrorism. HV6433.M628Z8 2003 IN
 4 Zuniga-Carmine, Ma. Luisa.
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