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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dowman, Antony. Essential mathematics and statistics for science. Q180.55.S7C87 2005 IN
Video Downd, Ned King Arthur. MITC DVD 260 IN
Video Downer, Jeffrey Here on earth. MITC DVD 1179 IN
Book Downes, Larry, 1959. The laws of disruption : harnessing the new forces that govern life and business in the digital age. HC79.I55D69 2009 IN
Book Downes, Patrick, 1984- author. Rescue & Jessica : a life-changing friendship. CRC PZ7.1.K5087 2018 IN
 4 Downing, David, 1946-
Book Downing, Douglas. Forgotten statistics : a self-teaching refresher course. QA276.12.D75 1996 IN
 3 Downing, Jane.
Book Downing, Julie, ill. A first book of Jewish Bible stories. CRC BM107.H64 2002 IN
 2 Downing, June, 1950-
Book Downing, Kevin F. Online science learning : best practices and technologies. Q181.D76 2008 IN
Book Downing, Skip. On course : strategies for creating success in college and in life. LB2343.3.D69 2011 IN
Book Downing, Thomas E. The atlas of climate change : mapping the world's greatest challenge. Ref.QC981.8.C5D75 2006 IN
Book Downing, Troy. Java virtual machine. QA76.73.J38M49 1997 IN
Book Downs, Alan. The velvet rage : overcoming the pain of growing up gay in a straight man's world. HQ76.D76 2005 IN
Mixed Downs, E. Chuck Speech for Under Secretary Hodel.
Book Downs, James Understanding culture : guidelines and techniques for training. Pac.LB1140.2.H39 IN
 2 Downs, James F.
Book Downs, Timothy Edward. How computers work. QA76.5.W488 2004 IN
Book Dowswell, Paul. First encyclopedia of space. CRC Ref.QB46.D76 2010 IN
Book Doxey, William W. Land: its occupancy, ownership and certification : trip report. Pac.HD1121.T7T38 c.1 IN
Book Doyle, A. Coconut uses--uses for the entire coconut. Pac. SB401.C6D6 2000 IN
Book Doyle, Adrian Conan. The exploits of Sherlock Holmes : a collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures based on unsolved cases from the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. PR6054.O89E96 1999 IN
 4 Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930.
Book Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sr. Three adventures of Sherlock Holmes. CRC.PZ6.D69 2000 IN
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