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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Territories and possessions Pacific magazine (Honolulu, Hawaii). Pac.Per.DU1.P156 2007 Oct. IN
Book Territory of Guam. Bureau of Management Research. Office of the Governor. Political evolution of Guam. Pac.JQ6011.P33 1968 IN
Book Territory of Guam. Department of Education. Teachers look at Guam's public schools. Pac.LA2270.G8T43 IN
Book Territory of Guam. Division of Land Management. Manual of instructions for the survey of lands and preparation of plans in the Territory of Guam. Pac.HD1129.G85 1967 IN
Book Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Programmes and policies for the economic development of Papua and New Guinea. Pac.HC687.P3P35 IN
Book Territory of Papua and New Guinea Department of Public Health. Conference on rural health in the South Pacific held at Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea 9th-19th November, 1964: report. Pac.RA771.T27 1964 IN
Video Terroni, Lawrence Krakatoa the day that shook the world. MITC VC 100 IN
Book Terrorism Research and Analysis Project (U.S.) Terrorism Research and Analysis Project : (TRAP) : a collection of research ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. Gov.J 1.14/2:T 27/V.1- IN
Serial Terrorist Research and Analytical Center (U.S.) Terrorism in the United States. Gov.J1.14/22:994 IN
Video Terry, Bridget The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. MITC VC 338 IN
 2 Terry, Charles S., trans.
 2 Terry, Cliff
Book Terry, Edith. How Asia got rich : Japan, China and the Asian miracle. HC415.W4T47 2002 IN
Book Terry, Ellie, author. Forget me not. PZ7.5.T36 2018 OUT
Mixed Terry, Sara. Toy story : learning the business of fun. VF 214 TER 2002 IN
Book Terry, Sonya. "L" is for library. CRC PZ7.T27 2006 IN
Book Teschner, Richard V. Analyzing the grammar of English : a brief undergraduate textbook. PE1112 .T48 1993 IN
 2 Tesei, Hers N.
Video Tessari, Duccio A fistful of dollars. MITC VC 1320 IN
Book Tessier, Claudia J. The surgical word book. Ref.RD16.T47 1991 IN
Book Tessitore, John. A global agenda, issues before the 48th General Assembly of the United Nations : an annual publication of the United Nations Association of the United States of America. JX1977.A495G56 1993 IN
 2 Tessmer, Martin.
Book Testa, F. J. Buke mele lahui = Book of national songs. Pac.M1629.7.H3T47 2003 IN
Video TET Ansanm Production Poto Mitan Haitian women. MITC DVD 610 A IN
Book Tetens. Alfred Among the savages of the South Seas : memoirs of Micronesia, 1862-1868. Pac.DU500.T413 IN
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