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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pratt, H. Douglas, 1944- A field guide to the birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific. Pac.QL684.H3P73 1987 IN
Book Pratt, H. Douglas (Harold Douglas), 1944- The birds & bats of Palau. Pac.QL694.P28P72 2008 IN
Book Pratt, Hellen Gay, 1889- In Hawaii : a hundred years. Pac DU 624.5 P66 IN
Book Pratt, Keith, 1947- Building learning communities in cyberspace : effective strategies for the online classroom. LC5805.P35 1999 IN
Book Pratt, Paula, 1959- Jane Goodall. QL31.G58P735 1997 IN
Book Pratt, Philip J., 1945- Using dBASE III plus. QA76.9.D3P7294 1991 IN
Mixed Pratt, Shannon P. Business valuation videocourse. HD1393.25P72 1996 IN
Book Pray, Leslie A. The Palauan and Yap medicinal plant studies of Masayoshi Okabe, 1941-1943. Pac.QK99.C38D34 IN
Book Pray, Ralph. Jingu : The hidden princess. PZ7.P89j 2001 OUT
Book Pre-Forum Officials Committee Meeting Pre-Forum Officials Committee Meeting, Tarawa, Kiribatu 3-6 July 1989: agreed record. Pac.DU29.F67 1989 IN
Book Pre-Forum SPEC Committee Meeting 1988 :Nuku'alofa, Tonga). Agreed record. Pac.DU29.F67 1988 IN
Book Pre-Forum SPEC Committee Meeting (Forum Officials Committee. 1988 : 15-18 September Tarawa, Kiribati). PreForum Officials Committee Meeting, Tarawa, Kiribatu 3 -6 July 1989:.
Book Préaud, Tamara. Ceramics of the 20th century. NK3930.P7313 1982 IN
Book Prebenna, David, ill. Baby Kermit's playtime ABC. CRC Pic.J753 1992 IN
Book Preble, William, 1953- The respectful school : how educators and students can conquer hate and harassment. LB3013.3.W47 2003 IN
 2 Prechter, Robert Rougelot.
Book Preddey, G. F. (George Frederick), 1941- Nuclear disaster : a new way of thinking down under. Pac.U263.P73 1985 IN
Video Predirck, Dr. Eliuel. Owning our own health. MITC VC 857 IN
Book Pregent, Richard, 1950- Charting your course : how to prepare to teach more effectively. LB2331.P6813 1994 IN
Serial Pregill, Gregory K. Late holocene fossil vertebrates from Burma Quarry, Antigua, Lesser Antilles. Gov. SI 1.27:463 IN
Book Preisler, Jerome. Cold war. PB PRE 2001 IN
 2 Preiss-Glasser, Robin.
Book Preissing, John, editor. Facing the challenges of climate change and food security : the role of research, extension and communication for development. FAO.HD9000.5.F33 2013 IN
Book Prejean, Helen. Dead man walking : an eyewitness account of the death penalty in the United States. HV8699.U5.P74 1994 IN
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