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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book McLaughlin, Zack The finding of blue bunny. CRC Pic.W14 2009 IN
Book McLean, Iain. The concise Oxford dictionary of politics. Ref.JA61.C665 1996 IN
Book McLean, James E. How children learn language. P118.M3934 1999 IN
Book McLean, Lee K. How children learn language. P118.M3934 1999 IN
Book McLean, Mervin. An annotated bibliography of Oceanic music and dance. Pac GN 2 P6 IN
 3 McLean, Mervyn.
Book McLean, Roger. Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Tokelau : report of a preparatory mission. Pac.QC981.8C5M354 1993 IN
Book McLean, Sammis, ill. There's no place like home. CRC Pic.D922 1983 OUT
 3 McLeish, Ewan, 1950-
Book McLeish, John The story of numbers : how mathematics has shaped civilization. PZ10.7.M456 1991 IN
Mixed McLellan, Tom. Screening and assessment of alcohol-and other drug abusing adolescent. HV5720.5.M443S37 1993 OUT
Book McLenighan, Valjean. Special delivery : featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets. CRC Pic.M224 1980 IN
 2 McLennan, Connie, ill.
Book McLennan, John Ferguson, 1827-1881. Primitive marriage : an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies. Pac.HQ504.M2 1970 IN
Book McLeod, A. (Anni) World livestock 2011 : livestock in food security. FAO.SF61.W67 2011 IN
Book McLeod, Christopher. Sacred natural sites : guidelines for protected area managers. BL580.S1 2008 IN
Book McLeod, Marion. Some other country : New Zealand's best short stories. Pac.PR9681.S693 1992 IN
Book McLerran, Alice, 1933- Kisses. CRC Pic.M35 1993 IN
Book McLeskey, James, 1949- Inclusive schools in action : making differences ordinary. LC1201.M39 2000 IN
Video Mcllwain, Charlton, Ph.D. Qualitative research : methods in the social sciences. MITC DVD 237 IN
Book Mcllwain, J. L.; P. Houk. K. Rhodes; J. Cuestos-Bueno; S. Lindfield; et. al. Commercial coral-reef fisheries across Micronesia : A need for improving management. VerF 1101.2012 Pac. IN
Book McLoughlin, James A. Assessing special students. LB4031.M42 1994 IN
Book McLoughlin, Kate The seance : healing message from beyond. PB NOR 1994 IN
Computer McLuhan, Marshall, 1911- Understanding McLuhan in the electric world, change is the only stable factor. CD ROM 0377 1996 IN
 4 MCM Electronics
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