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Book Ciardi, Margaret Russell. Guiding curriculum decisions for middle-grades language arts. LB1631.C52 2001 IN
Serial Cibbarelli, Pamela. Directory of library automation software, systems, and services. Ref.Z678.9.A3D57 IN
Mixed Cibulka, Nancy J. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the United States. VF 304 CIB 2006 IN
Video Cicely Tyson. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. MITC VC 585 IN
 2 Cicin-Sain, Biliana.
Book Cieslak, Dave. Good practices for the feed industry : implementing the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding. FAO.HD9052.A2.G66 2010 IN
Book Cihlar, Josef. Terrestrial carbon observation : the Ottawa assessment of requirements, status and next steps : 8-11 February 2000, Ottawa, Canada. FAO.QH344.T4646 2002 IN
Video Cilmore, Stuart Hawaii. MITC VC 98 IN
Book Cima, Ronald J., 1943- Vietnam, a country study. DS556.3.V54 1989 IN
Book Cimera, Robert E. Learning disabilities : what are they? : helping parents and teachers understand the characteristics. LC4704.C49 2007 IN
Video Cimino, Michael. The deer hunter. MITC VC 203 A IN
Video Cinar Productions Inc. The best, bad thing. MITC VC 1052 IN
Book Cincotta, Howard. Sketchbook USA.
Video Cine Golden Eye. Then there were none. MITC VC 1118 IN
Book Ciochon, Russell L. Introduction to physical anthropology. GN60.I57 2010 IN
Book Ciovacco, Justine. State-by-state atlas. Ref.E161.3.C56 2003 IN
Book Cipris, Zeljko. Making sense of Japanese grammar : a clear guide through common problems. PL535.C65 2002 OUT
Book CIRAD (Organization) Production fourragère et rèhabilitation des sites miniers : seminaire règional, 7-11 avril 1997, Nouvelle-Calèdonie = Forage production and rehabilitation of mine sites : regional workshop, 7-11 April 1997, New Caledonia. Pac.SB193.T76P76 1997 IN
Book Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources. Status of the circum-Pacific map project: a summary of the Circum-Pacific Map Project meeting, in Menlo Park, California, May 6-8, 1980. Pac.G9231.A1 1980 IN
Book Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference (7th : 2001 : University of Lapland) Indigenous peoples : resource management and global rights. GN380.I535 2003 IN
Book Cirelli, M. T. Maria Teresa Forest fires and the law: a guide for national drafters based on the Fire management voluntary guidelines. FAO.K3674.M67 2009 IN
Book Cirillo, Roger. Ardennes - Alsace. Gov.D114.7/5:AR2 IN
Book CIS Forum on Youth (2003 : Kiev, Ukraine) Youth of the XXI century : realities and perspectives = MolodezhÞ XXI veka : realii i perspektivy. Doc.HQ799.F67Y68 2004 IN
Book Cisco, Walter Brian, 1947- Wade Hampton : confederated warrior, conservative statesman. E467.H19C84 2004 IN
Book Cisneros, Henry. Interwoven-destinies : cities and the nation. HT123.I58 1993 IN
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