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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (2nd : 1997 : Suva, Fiji). Second meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Suva, Fiji, 8-11 April 1997). Pac. VK 541 .A88 1997 IN
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (4th 1999 Nadi, Fiji) Fourth meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji, 27-28 February 1999). Pac.VK541.A88 1999 IN
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (5th 2000 Nadi, Fiji) Fifth meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji, 23-24 March 2000). Pac.VK541.A88 2000 IN
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (7th : 2002 Nadi, Fiji) Seventh meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji, 28-February-01 March 2002). Pac.VK541.A88 2002 IN
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (8th : 2003 : 31 March to 01 April : Nadi, Fiji Islands). Eighth meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji, 31 March-01 April 2003). Pac.VK541.A88 2003 IN
Book Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities. Meeting (9th : 2004 : Nadi, Fiji) Ninth meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities (Nadi, Fiji Islands, 17 and 18 May 2004). Pac.VK541.A85 2004 IN
Book Association of Social Anthropologists in Oceania. Adolescence in Pacific Island societies / edited by Gilbert Herdt and Stephen C. Leavitt. Pac.GN663.A53 1998 IN
Book Association of Social Anthropologists in Oceania. (1990 : Lihue, Hawaii). Adolescence in Pacific Island societies / edited by Gilbert Herdt and Stephen C. Leavitt. Pac.GN663.A53 1998 IN
Serial Association of South Pacific Airlines. Pacific skies : aviation magazine. Pac.Per.HE9764.95.P16P33 IN
 5 Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions.
Book Association of Systematics Collections. Biogeography of the tropical Pacific : proceedings of a symposium. Pac.QK101.B56 1984 IN
Book Association of Teacher Educators. Affective teacher education : exploring connections among knowledge, skills, and dispositions. LB1707.A44 2009 IN
Book Association on Handicapped student Service Programs in Postsecondary Edication. testing accommodations for persons with disabilities : a guide for licensure, certification, and credentialling. CRC KF480.K56 1992 IN
Book Association technique internationale des bois tropicaux. Regional code of practice for reduced-impact forest harvesting in tropical moist forests of West and Central Africa. FAO.SD538.3.T75R4513 2005 IN
Book Assosicaiton of Schools of Public Health. Environmental health curricula at schools of public health : final report. Gov.HE20.9002:P 88/2 IN
Book Assumption High School (Majuro, Marshall Islands) Lolelaplap. Pac.DU710.42.L65 IN
Video Asterisk Production Ltd. Changing places. MITC VC 215 IN
Book Astete, Gloria. Weren tohsukuhl pwoas. CRC PL6295.Z77A78 2004 IN
Book Astin, Helen S., 1932- Women of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change. HQ1391.U5A87 1991 IN
Book aStratton, S. Jacques, author. Islands on the fringe : a year of Micronesian waves and wanderers. Pac.DU568.M58S77 2018 IN
Video Astrausky, Jim. Tobacco on trial. MITC VC 104 IN
Mixed Asugar, H.c. Allukun mwichen loilam : Namoluk muniipality. Pac.KFX1511.C58A38 1992 IN
Serial Asugar, Henry Trukese leaders oppose independence.
Book Asutin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc. Wastewater management facilities plan for the Truk District, Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands / prepared by: Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc. Pac.TD624.C5W38 1978 IN
Video ASVAB Armed services vocational aptitude battery. MITC DVD 474 IN
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