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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 University of Guam Isla Center for the Arts.
University of Guam MARC See: University of Guam Micronesian Area Research Center.
 21 University of Guam. Marine Laboratory.
Book University of Guam. Micronesia Area Research Center. Island voyagers in new quests : an assessment of degree completion among Micronesian college students. Pac.LA2270.M5I8 IN
 37 University of Guam. Micronesian Area Research Center.
Book University of Guam. Micronesian Area Research Center. Spanish Documents Section. Carolinians in the Mariana Islands in the 1800s : selected documents from the holdings of the Spanish documents collection at the Micronesian Area Research Center ==Presencia de los carolinos en las Islas Marianas durante el siglo XIX. Pac.DU645.C37 1996 IN
 5 University of Guam. Micronesian Language Institute.
Book University of Guam. Micronesian Language Institute. Graduate School & Research. Programme evaluation of Palau special alternative bilingual education program : grades 10-12 program year 1992-1993. Pac.LA2270.P185P76 1993 IN
 3 University of Guam. Multicultural Education and Resource Center.
Book University of Guam. Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research. Fact book. Pac.LA2270.G85U55a IN
Book University of Guam. Pacific Asian Studies Association. The political future of Guam and Micronesia : proceedings of the All University Seminar on Political Status, held at the University of Guam, February 1 and 22, 1974. Pac.DU647.A62 1974 IN
University of Guam. Pacific Basin Maternal and Child Health Resource Center See: University of Guam. Pacific Basin MCH Resource Center
University of Guam. Pacific Basin Maternal-Child Health Resource Center See: University of Guam. Pacific Basin MCH Resource Center
 3 University of Guam. Pacific Basin MCH Resource Center.
Book University of Guam. Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center Chamorro legends on the Island of Guam = Leyendas Chamorras en la isla de Guam. Pac.GR385.G85V36 2008 IN
Serial University of Guam. Student Body Association. Xanadu. Pac.PS574.G8X36 1981 IN
Book University of Guam-Trust Territory Acanthaster Planci (Crown-of-Thorns Starfish) Workshop (1972 : University of Guam) Proceedings of the University of Guam-Trust Territory Acanthaster Planci (Crown-of-Thorns Starfish) Workshop, March 27-29, 1972. Pac.QL384.A8U54 IN
Book University of Guam. Water and Energy Institute of the Western Pacific. Improving the water distribution system at Kolonia, Pohnpei State through use of a digital water distribution model. Pac.TD324.M5.K56 1987 IN
 2 University of Guam. Water and Energy Research Institute of the Western Pacific.
Book University of Guam. Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific. Qualitative examination of groundwater from Yap and some of its neighboring islands : project report. Pac.TC524.Y3K74 2006 IN
Book University of Guam. Water Resources Research Center. Annual report. Pac.TD324.G8U68 IN
Book University of Guam. Western Pacific Studies Program. Views out of Micronesia on social welfare services and social work education : a report based on eighty interviews in six Micronesian states. Pac.HV515.7.M37 IN
Book University of Guam Women and Gender Studies Program. Art and culture of Micronesian women : catalog of interpretive exhibition presented by Isla Center for the Arts and the Women and Gender Studies Program at the University of Guam, April 13 through May 22, 2000. Pac.NK1094.M5A78 2000 IN
 9 University of Hawaii
Serial University of Hawaii Alumni Association. Malamalama : The magazine of the University of Hawai'i System. Pac.Per.LG961.H4aM34 1989 Sum IN
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