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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. Meeting (1991: Victoria, British Columbia) Fieldwork and families : constructing new models for ethnographic research. Pac.GN662.F54 1998 IN
Book Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. Meetings. Migration and transformation : regional perspectives on New Guinea. Pac.GN671.N5M63 1994 IN
Book Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. Meetings (1996 : Kailua Kona, Hawaii) Money and modernity : state and local currencies in Melanesia. Pac.HG1480.9.M66 1999 IN
 23 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Serial Association for the 4th Pacific Festival of Arts in New-Caledonia. Pacific 2000. Pac.Per.NX430.O3P33 1983 IN
Book Association for the Study of Higher Education. Transforming the curriculum : preparing students for a changing world. LB2806.15.J66 2002 IN
Book Association of American Colleges. Strong foundations : twelve principles for effective general education programs. LC985.S77 1994 IN
Book Association of American Geographers. China's island frontier : studies in the historical geography of Taiwan. DS799 .C46 1980 IN
Serial Association of College and Reference Libraries (U.S.) College & research libraries. Per.Z671.C6 IN
Book Association of College and Research Libraries. Restructuring academic libraries : organizational development in the wake of technological change. Z674.R31 1997 IN
Book Association of College and Research Libraries. Ad Hoc Committee on Performance Measures. Measuring academic library performance : a practical approach. Z675.U5V35 1990 IN
Book Association of College and Research Libraries. Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Committee. A guide to the management of curriculum materials centers for the 21st century : the promise and the challenge. Z675.P3G85 2001 IN
 2 Association of College and Research Libraries. College Library Information Packet Committee.
 2 Association of College and Research Libraries. Community and Junior College Libraries Section.
Book Association of College and Research Libraries. National Conference (6th: 1992: Salt Lake City, Utah). April 12-14, 1992 Academic libraries : achieving excellence in higher education: proceedings of the Sixth National Conference of Association of College and Research Libraries, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12-14, 1992. Ref.Z675.U5A73 1992 IN
 2 Association of College and Research Libraries. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Bibliographic Standards Committee.
 3 Association of College and Research Libraries. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Standards Committee.
Book Association of College Research Libraries. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Bibliographic Standards Committee. Descriptive cataloging of rae materials (books). Z695.74.U54 2007 IN
Map Association of CUSEC State Geologists. Three centuries of earthquakes : earthquakes in the central United States, 1699-2002. Gov.I19.91:I-2812 IN
Book Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific. Alternative delivery systems for public services : health care, NGOs, credit, cooperatives: papers presented in an ADIPA Seminar held in the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, December 4-5, 1991, sponsor, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific: co-sponsors, World Bank, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, U.P. Management Education Council, Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation. HV375.A53 1991 IN
Serial Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers yearbook. Per.F851.A79 IN
 2 Association of Pacific Island Legislatures.
Serial Association of Pacific Island Legislatures (APIL). Senator J. Kalani English elected President of Association of Pacific Island Legislatures.
 2 Association of Pacific Islands Legislatures (APIL).
 2 Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities.
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