View previous page View next page Author Search:  University of South Pacific. Institute of Applied Sciences.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Women's initiative for HIV care and reduction of perinatal HIV transmission (WIN) program findings. Gov.HE 20.9502 IN
Serial University of Melbourne. `Meanjin. Pac.Per.AP7.M4 IN
 2 University of Melbourne. Department of History.
Book University of Melbourne. History Dept. The Bounty : an ethnographic history. Pac.VB867.B68D46 1988 IN
Book University of Michigan. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies. Philippine society and the individual : selected essays of Frank Lynch, 1949-1976. HN713.5.L96 1984 IN
 3 University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research.
Book University of Michigan. Law School. Our cities burn, while we play cops and robbers. HV8138.B65 1972 IN
Book University of Minnesota. Cultural landscape report for Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site. Gov.I 29.86/4:EL 2/V.2 IN
Book University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). Department of Management. University Extension Division. Correspondence course for Micronesia : management 35Tx principles of management. Pac.HD62.5.A43 1969 IN
 4 University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). University Extension Division.
Serial University of New England. Linguistics Department. Pidgins and creoles in education (PACE) newsletter. Pac.PM7801.P45 IN
Book University of New South Wales. Kava : use and abuse in Australia and the South Pacific. Pac.HV5831.K3K38 IN
 2 University of New South Wales. Centre for South Pacific Studies.
Book University of New South Wales. School of Sociology. Paradise postponed : essays on research and development in the South Pacific. Pac.H62.5.P3Y68 1976 IN
Book University of Oklahoma. Libraries. Conference (2002 : Oklahoma City, Okla.) Electronic resources and collection development. Z675.U5U577 2002 IN
Book University of Oklahoma. Libraries. Conference (2003) Improved access to information : portals, content selection, and digital information. Z692.C65U54 2003 IN
 3 University of Oregon.
Book University of Oregon. Dept. of Anthropology. Kioa : an Ellice community in Fiji. Pac.HN940.F52K58 1965 IN
 28 University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program.
University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program See also: University of Oregon. Micronesia Program
University of Oregon. Micronesia & South Pacific Technical Assistance Program See: University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program
 2 University of Oregon, Micronesia/Pacific Studies Program.
 3 University of Oregon. Micronesia Program.
University of Oregon. Micronesia Program See also: University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program
Book University of Oregon. Micronesia Program. Technical Assistance Project. Proposals and recommendations for sports programs and facilities in the Republic of Palau : final report. Pac.GV405.F57 1990 IN
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