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  Author Title Call Number Status
 9 Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation
Book Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation Federated States of Micronesia, U.S. National Park Service. Pohnpei archaeology component, Salapwuk archaeology : a survey of historic and cultural resources on Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU568.P63A97 1997 IN
Book Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation (Micronesia (Federated States)) Kosrae ethnography : Kosrae ethnography project, Federated States of Micronesia / by Allan F. Burns [edited by] Margaret Pepin-Donat and David W. Look. Pac.DU568.K8B87 1997 IN
Book Micronesian Entrepreneur Development Center. Towards self-reliance : a plan for the promotion and development of indigenous small and medium enterprises in the Federated States of Micronesia 1996-2001. ARC. Box 2008-116 IN
 2 Micronesian Fisheries Authority.
Serial Micronesian Future Political Status Negotiations. Report of the joint committee on the fourth round negotiations in Koror, Palau to Congress of Micronesia. Pac.JQ6451.A5T7 1972 IN
Book Micronesian Games (4th : 1998: Palau). Information bulletin. Pac.GV722.5.M45 1998a IN
Mixed Micronesian Health Coordination Council. Economic development in Micronesia : a paper delivered at the Micronesian Health Coordinating Council; FY 1979 Third Quarter Meeting, Korror, February 26, 1979. VerF 0453.79 Pac IN
Book Micronesian Islands Conservation. A guide to the birds of Pohnpei Island. Pac.QL694.P7B57 1997? IN
Book Micronesian Language Institute, University of Guam. Impacts of migration from the Compact of Free Association states on public and selected private agencies of Guam : executive summary. Pac.DU568.F34C68 1993 IN
 2 Micronesian Legal Services Corporation.
Book Micronesian Mariculture Demonstration Center. The prompt report of the fifth Scientific Survey of the South Pacific. Pac.QH198.P34S35 1986 IN
 8 Micronesian Maritime Authority.
Book Micronesian Maritime Center. Seamen's training curriculum. Pac.LB2806.15.H83 IN
 7 Micronesian Multilingual Materials Workshop.
Book Micronesian Multilingual Materials Workshop (2nd : 1974 : Koror, Palau) Merredel er a daob. Pac.PL5434.Z77M55 1974 IN
Book Micronesian Multilingual Materials Workshop (2nd : 1974 : nKoror, Palau). Piilung Nuu Madaay. Pac.PL6341.Z77P55 1974 IN
Book Micronesian Multilingual Materials Workshop for the Yapese Reading Study (1973) Mileekaeg. Pac.PL6341.Z77P84 IN
 15 Micronesian Occupational Center.
 4 Micronesian Occupational Center. Instructional Services.
 6 Micronesian Occupational College.
 4 Micronesian Occupational College (MOC).
 2 Micronesian Productions
 84 Micronesian Seminar
Mixed Micronesian Seminar and Youth Link Office. Child abuse and neglect in Micronesia : the situation of Truk, Pohnpei, Yap and Palau. VerF 0595.87 Pac IN
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