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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Steele, Craig. Help your kids with computer coding : a unique step-by-step visual guide, from binary code to building games. QA76.6.V68 2014 IN
 5 Steele, Julia
Book Steele, Philip. A tidal pool. CRC QH541.5.S75 1999 IN
Book Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729. Addison and Steele : selections from the Tatler and the Spectator. PR3302 .A4 1970 IN
Book Steelsmith, Shari. When you're mad and you know it. CRC Pic.C855 1996 IN
Book Steenbergen, Frank van. Guidelines on spate irrigation. FAO.S618.G85 2010 IN
 2 Steene, Roger C.
Serial Steenis, C.G.G.J. van Man and plants in the Tropics : an appeal to Micronesians for the preservation of nature.
Book Steeves, Jeffrey S. The Solomon Islands : an experiment in decentralization. Pac.JQ6601.A5P74 1985 IN
Book Stefancic, Jean. Understanding words that wound. KF9345.D45 2004 IN
Book Stefanelli, Franco 2000 world census of agriculture : main results and metadata by country (1996-2005). FAO.HD1421.A15 2010 IN
Video Stefano, Joseph Psycho. MITC DVD 74 IN
Book Steffan, Wallace A. Laboratory studies of Hawaiian Sciaridae (Diptera) / [Prepared for] Island Ecosystems IRP, U.S. International Biological Program. Pac.QH541.5.I8I58 1973 IN
Book Steffek, Jens. Evaluating transnational NGOs : legitimacy, accountability, representation. JZ4841 .E93 2010 IN
 6 Steffen, Erik
Book Steffens, Bradley. The fall of the Roman Empire : opposing viewpoints. DG311.S77 1994 IN
 2 Steffy, Rlene Santos.
 2 Stefoff, Rebecca, 1951-
 2 Stege, Mark.
Book Stegemeier, Richard J. Straight talk : the future of energy in the global economy. QC73.8.S733 1995 IN
Book Stegun, Irene A., joint ed. Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables. Ref.QA3.U5 IN
Book Stehli, Annabel. The sound of a miracle : a child's triumph over autism. RJ506.A9S3 1991 IN
 2 Stehmann, Matthias, 1943-
Book Stehr, Carla M. Sea unseen : scanning electron microscopy images from Puget Sound and beyond. Gov.C55.302:SE1/9 IN
Book Steiger, Brad. Shadow world : spiritual encounters that can change your life. PB STE OUT
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