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  Author Title Call Number Status
 3 Loomis, Albertine.
Book Loomis, Gregg. The pegasus secret. PB LOO 2005 IN
Book Loos, Anita, 1894-1981. "Gentlemen prefer blondes" ; "But gentlemen marry brunettes" : the illuminating diary of a professional lady. PS3523.O557G4 1989 IN
Book Lopes, Barry Holstun, 1945- Maps of reconciliation: literature and the ethical imagination. Pac.PN56.E735M37 2007 IN
Book Lopes, Carlos ; edit. Capacity for development : new solutions to old problems : executive summary. HC59.72.C3C36 2002 IN
Serial Lopes, Norma The United States weather bureau i Micronesia.
 2 Lopez, Anthony.
 3 Lopez, Barry.
Book Lopez, Barry Holstun, 1945- Gates of reconciliation : literature and the ethical imagination. Pac.PN6014.G37 2008 IN
 6 Lopez, Benjamin.
Book López Camelo, Andrés F. Manual for the preparation and sale of fruits and vegetables : from field to market. FAO.S571.L66 2004 IN
 2 Lopez, Darren.
Book Lopez, Donald S., 1952- The story of Buddhism : a concise guide to its history and teachings. BQ4012.L65 2001 IN
Book Lopez, Francisco. Plant genetic resources and food security : stakeholder perspectives on the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. FAO.SB123.3.F75 2011 IN
Book Lopez, H.De Sousa Insects of Micronesia : Diptera Omphralidae (Scenopinidae) and Sarcophagidae. Pac.QL489.M5H37 1958 IN
Book Lopez, Loretta, 1963- ill. Say hola to spanish. CRC PC4445.E49 1996 IN
Book Lopez, Mellie Leandicho. A study of Philippine games. Pac.GR325.L63 2001 IN
Book Lopez, Monica. Preparing literature reviews : qualitative and quantitative approaches. Q180.55.E9P36 2008 IN
Book Lopez, Nelson A. Mapping coastal aquaculture and fisheries structures by satellite imaging radar : case study of the Lingayen Gulf, the Philippines. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Video Lopez, Noriko COM-FSM music concert. MITC DVD 561 A IN
Book Lopez, Paul ill. Science Close-Up Crystals. CRC.Pic.B44 1992 IN
Book Lopez, Tiffany Ana. Growing up Chicana/o : an anthology. PS508.M4G76 1993 IN
Book Lopinot, Callistus, O.F.M. Cap. The Caroline mission of the Spanish and German capuchins 1886-1919. Pac.BV3677.L66 IN
Book Lopinot, P. Callistus Die Karolinen Mission der Spanischen und deutschen Kapuziner 1886-1919. Pac.BV3680.C3L6 IN
Book Lopp, Michael. Managing humans : biting and humorous tales of a software engineering manager. HF5549.L578 2007 OUT
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