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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Corsi, Allison B.A., University of Colorado. An exploratory study of food and nutritional beliefs and practices in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.TX360.F44C67 2004 IN
Book Corsi, Allison MPH. A participatory assessment of dietary patterns and food behavior in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Corsi, Sandra. Soil organic carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emission reductions from conservation agriculture : a literature review. FAO.S602.5.I57 v.16 IN
 3 Corsini, Raymond J.
Book Corso, Robert M. Skilled dialogue: strategies for responding to cultural diversity in early childhood. LC1099.B39 2003 IN
Book Corson, David. Encyclopedia of language and education. Ref.P40.8.E53 1997 v.2 IN
Book Corte y Ruano Caldero´n, Felipe Mari´a de la. Historia de las Islas Marianas desde la llegada de los Espan~oles hasta el 15 de Mayo de 1870. DU645.C8 1875a IN
Book Cortés, Carlos E. The making, and remaking, of a multiculturalist. LA2317.C637A3 2002 IN
Book Cortes, Donn Riptide. PB COR 2006 IN
Book Cortesi, Lawrence. Valor in the sky. Pac.D767.95.C628 1985 IN
 2 Cortez, Donn.
 4 Corum, Ann Kondo.
Book Corwin, Jeff. Animals and habitats of the United States. CRC QH104.C67 2009 IN
Book Corwin, Merry Lee Health education: A study unit on Fecal borne diseases and parasites. ARC. TTPI 10 IN
Book Cory, Clare. South Pacific handbook of treaties and other legal instruments in the field of environmental law. Pac.KVC705.K87 1998 IN
Book Cory, Clare, General Legal Counsel, NSW Fisheries, Australia. Pacific Islands Handbook of International Marine Pollution Conventions : (consolidated texts of the main marine pollution conventions of the world and the region). Pac.GC1080 .P32 IN
Book Corzine, Phyllis, 1943- Iraq. DS70.62.C67 2003 IN
 2 Cosby, Bill, 1937-
Book Coser, Lewis A., 1913- The functions of social conflict. HM136.C74 1956 IN
Book Cosgrove-Sacks, Carol. Sharing the gains of globalization in the new security environment : the challenges to trade facilitation. Doc.ECE/TRADE/330 IN
 2 Cosgrove-Sacks, Carol, 1943-
 4 Cosgrove, Stephen.
 4 Cosmas, Graham A.
Computer COSMI Corporation. 6000 sound effects : [the ultimate sound effects library for presentations, web sites or just for fun!]. CD ROM 0887 1998 IN
Book Cosmides, Leda. The adapted mind : evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. BF711.A33 1992 IN
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