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Book State of Pohnpei. Micronesia (Federated States). Report on the audit of financial statements in accordance with the uniform guidance year ended September 30, 2021. Pac.HJ1601.M57M5P 2021 IN
Book State of Ponape (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands). Office of the State Director of Education. 1974-75 Interim Evaluation : Title VII Bilingual Education project, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.LC3740.10.E6 1974 IN
Book State of the Art of Research in International Marketing Conference (2001 : University of Connecticut) Handbook of research in international marketing. HF1416.S2 2003 IN
Book State of Yap. Federated States of Micronesia. Financial statements and independent auditor's report: year ended September 30, 2007. Pac.HJ1601.M625S73 2007 IN
Book State of Yap Micronesia (Federated States). Report on the audit of financial statements in accordance with the uniform guidance year ended September 30, 2021. Pac.HJ1601.M57M5Y IN
Book State Office of School to Work. Kosrae Department of Education. Policy and procedures guidebook. Pac.LA227.3.K67 1988 IN
Book State Public Auditor Pohnpei Visitors Bureau, Attestation Engagement - Agreed upon Procedures : Attestation report no. 006-13, fiscal years ended September 30, 2011 and September 30, 2012. Pac.LD1237.5.A12P75 2012 IN
 5 State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program.
Book State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project. Globalisation and governance in the Pacific Islands. Pac.JZ1318.G56 2006 IN
Book State University of New York. Sampling Hawaiian stream gobies. Pac.QL638.G7H31 IN
Book Staten, Pat, 1945- Daze on the plains : a New Yorker on the level. F595.3.S72 1992 IN
Serial Statens etnografiska museum (Sweden) Ethnos. Pac.GN3.E7 1988 IN
Book States. Congress. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. Developments in China, February 1987 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One hundredth Congress, first session, February 5, 1987. Pac.KF27.F638 1987 IN
Book Statewide Conference on Hawaii's International Activities (1971 : Honolulu, Hawaii). Hawaii in the Pacific, 1971 : highlights of the statewide confernce on Hawaii's international activities. Pac.DU627.8.S72 1971 IN
Mixed Statham, Jr., E. Robert The unincorporated, unorganized U.S. Territory of American Samoa : Samoan traditionalism vs. U.S. constitutionalism. VerF 0101.00 Pac. IN
 2 Statistic for Development Division.
Book Statistical Division. International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008. Doc.G155.A1I517 2010 IN
Book Statistical Office of the European Communities. International concordance between the industrial classification of the United Nations (ISIC REV 3) and Canada (1980 SIC), the European Union (NACE REV 1), the United States (1987 SIC). Ref.HF1044.C2158 1992 IN
 2 Statistics.
Book Statistics. Canada. International concordance between the industrial classification of the United Nations (ISIC REV 3) and Canada (1980 SIC), the European Union (NACE REV 1), the United States (1987 SIC). Ref.HF1044.C2158 1992 IN
Serial Statistics of diversified agriculture in Hawaii University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Statistics of Hawaiian agriculture. Pac.S544.S73 1976 IN
Book Statistics Office-Kosrae Branch. Division of Economic Policy. FSM Department of Economic Affairs. Statistical bulletin 1999 State of Kosrae. Pac.HA4010.5.Z9S73 2000 IN
Book Statistics. United States. United States summary, 2010. Gov.C3.223/5:2010 CPH-2-1 IN
Book Statler, Oliver. Japanese inn. TX941.M56S7 1982 IN
Book Stattersfield, A.J. Threatened birds of the world: the official source for birds on the IUCN Red List/. QL676.7.T58 2000 IN
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