View previous page View next page Author Search:  Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Committee on Education.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pacific Islands Political Studies Association. New politics in the South Pacific. Pac.DU28.3.N49 1994 IN
Book Pacific Islands Population Association Planning workshop (1994) : Nambua Island, Fiji) Pacific Islands Population Association Plannig Workshop, South Pacific Commission, Nabua, Fiji, 6-8 June 1994 : report. Pac.HB3692.55.A3P3 IN
Book Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project. Pacific regional energy assessment 2004 : an assessment of the key energy issues, barriers to the development of renewable energy to mitigate climate change, and capacity development needs for removing the barriers. Pac.TJ807.9.O3P33 2004 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands Report 2000 Feb. 11 Sakau plant problems in Pohnpei. VerF 0525.00 Pac. IN
Book Pacific Islands Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Effects of development on traditional Pacific Islands cultures : report of the conference held jointly with the Pacific Islands Society on 27-29 April 1984. Pac.HN930.7.E33 1984 IN
 4 Pacific Islands Studies Center.
Book Pacific Islands Studies Conference (3rd : 1978 : University of Hawaii). Captain Cook and the Pacific Islands : the proceedings of the third annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference, University of Hawaii, March 31 and April 1, 1978. Pac.DU1.H379 1978 no.3 IN
 2 Pacific Islands Studies Conference (4th : 1979 : University of Hawaii)
Book Pacific Islands Studies Conference (6th : 1981 : Honolulu) Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference, April 3 and 4, 1981, University of Hawaii : "Hawaii in the Contemporay Pacific.". Pac.DU624.5.P32 1981 IN
Book Pacific Islands Studies Conference (9th : 1984 : University of Hawaii at Manoa) History of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : conference proceedings : the ninth annual Pacific islands studies conference. Pac.DU500.P32 1984 IN
Book Pacific Islands Tourism Conference (1973: Agana, Guam) Proceedings, Pacific Islands Tourism Conference, Agana, Guam September 5, 6, 7, 1973 : theme : Cooperation in Pacific Islands Tourism Development. Pac.G155.O3P3 IN
Book Pacific Islands Tourism Conference (1974 : Pago Pago, American Samoa and Apia, Western Samoa). The Pacific way : proceedings of Pacific Islands Tourism Conference ;. Pac.G155.P346 1974 IN
Book Pacific Islands Tourism Development Commission. Proceedings, Pacific Islands Tourism Conference, Agana, Guam September 5, 6, 7, 1973 : theme : Cooperation in Pacific Islands Tourism Development. Pac.G155.O3P3 IN
 177 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory).
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) (2nd: 1969: Honolulu, Hawaii). Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands second marine resources conference. Pac.SH319.M3T87 1969 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) (1968: Koror, Palau Islands). Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Conference : convened at: Koror, Palau Islands, Western Carolines Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, May 31 - June 4, 1968. Pac.SH319.M5T7 1968 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ad Hoc Committee on Gambling. Gambling in Micronesia : an Ad Hoc Committee Report to the High Commissioner. Pac.HV6722.M5G3 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Adult Basic Education Program. Evaluation report : fiscal year 1979. Pac.LC5401.M5P33 1979 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Adult, Vocational and Technical Education Division. Second evaluation report on vocational education vocational education amendments of 1968/. Pac.LC1039.8.P33P34 1971 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Advisory Council for Vocational Education. Annual evaluation report... Pac.LC1041.P12 1980 IN
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Advisory Council on Vocational Education.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Agriculture Census. Enumerators manual supplemeny sketches and local names of fishes. Pac.QL636.5.M625P33 1979 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Agriculture Division Conference. Agriculture division conference, May 1967 : minutes, summary, supporting documents. Pac.S400.T7A38 1967 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Agriculture Division. Department of Resources and Development. Code of public regulations, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.KH400.P284 1971 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Archives. Manual for data retrieval : Trust Territory archives indexing system. Pac.Z711.A3T71 IN
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