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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pintz, Sam. Policy guidelines on rural electrification substantive report. Pac.T49.5P3B6 IN
Book Pintz, Stephanie Social impacts of tuna projects. Pac.SH351.T8P5 IN
Book Pintz, William S. Rural electrification issue papers. Pac.HD9688.A2B69 1985 IN
Computer Pinzke, Kenneth Introduction to topographic maps written by Kenneth Pinzke; illustrated by Dennis Tasa; computer production by Leon McNeill. CD ROM 0273 1994 IN
Book Pinzön, Zuleika S. Gap formation and forest regeneration in a Micronesian mangrove forest. Pac.QK495.M28P65 2003 IN
Book Pinzôn, Zuleika S. [et al.]. Gap formation and forest regeneration in a Micronesian mangrove forest. Pac.QK495.M28P65 2003 IN
Book Pioneers in Managed Money Relationships, Consulting Group. College of Micronesia-FSM endowment fund : investment performance summary first period ending December 31, 1999. ARC. Box 142 OUT
Book Piotrovskii, M. B. (Mikhail Borisovich) Treasures of Catherine the Great. N3350.T74 2000 IN
Book Piper, Arthur M. Water resources of Guam and the ex-Japanese mandated island in the Western Pacific. Pac.HC464.M5U6 IN
Book Piper, Ross. Extinct animals : an encyclopedia of species that have disappeared during human history. Ref.QL83.P57 2009 IN
Book Piper, Watty. The little engine that could. CRC PZ7.P64 2005 IN
 2 Piperno, Dolores R.
Book Pirages, Dennis. Global technopolitics : the international politics of technology & resources. T14.5.P66 1989 IN
Book Pirie, Peter. Samoa : two approaches to population and resource problems. Pac.HC687.S3P55 1970 IN
Book Pirkl, Ray. New connections : a guide to distance education. LC5805.G76 1998 IN
Book Pirseyedi, Bobi. The small arms problem in Central Asia : features and implications. Doc.UNIDIR/2000/8 IN
Book Pisante, Michele. Integrated soil and water management for orchard development : role and importance : proceedings of the International Seminar "The role and importance of integrated soil and water management for orchard development" organized by the FAO Land and Water Development Division and the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Teramo, Italy, 9-10 May 2004, Mosciano S. Angelo, Italy. FAO.S623.I57 2005 IN
Book Piscitelli, Stephen. I don't need this stuff or do I? : a study and time management book. LB2395.P57 1997 IN
Book Piskurich, George M. Preparing learners for e-Learning. HF5549.5.T7P545 2003 IN
Book Pistolesi, Roseanna, ill. A picture book of forest animals. CRC. Pic.G57 1990 IN
 2 Pisupati, Balakrishna.
 2 Pita, E.
Book Pitcher, Caroline. Lord of the Forest. CRC PZ7.P68 2006 IN
Book Pitcher, T. J. Reinventing fisheries management. SH328.R45 1998 IN
Book Pitchford, Genie. Young folks Hawaiian time : a collection of true Hawaiian children's stories. Pac.DU623.2.P5 1970 IN
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