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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Destiny Image Films Freedom figther. MITC DVD 665 IN
 5 Desurmont, Aymeric.
Book Desurmont, Aymeric Fisheries Information Specialist. Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen = Manual d'identification des espèces marines destine aux pêcheurs à lapalangre horizontale. Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006 IN
Book Detels, Roger. Oxford textbook of public health. Ref.RA425.O9 2002 IN
Book Detroit Institute of Arts. "Primitivism" in 20th century art : affinity of the tribal and the modern. Pac.N6494.P7P75 1984 v.1 IN
Book Dettelbach, Michael. Observations made during a voyage around the world. Pac G420.C65F67 1996 IN
Book Detwiler, Donald S. War in Asia and the Pacific : the naval operations (volume 5, part II). IN
Book Deuker, Carl. Runner. PZ7.D493 2005 OUT
Book Deunert, Boris. Anthropological survey of Jaluit Atoll : terrestrial and underwater reconnaissance surveys and oral history recordings. Pac.DU710.A58 1999 IN
Book Deuse, Jacques. Weed control. SB613.T8L38 1991 OUT
Book Deutermann, Peter T., 1941- Spider Mountain. PB DEU 2008 IN
Book Deutsch, Babette, 1895- Poetry handbook; a dictionary of terms. Ref.PN44.5.D4 1974 IN
 3 Deutsch, Eliot.
 2 Deutsche Gesellschaft fu¨r Internationale Zusammenarbeit.
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internatioanle Zusammenarbeit. Integrated vulnerability assessment framework for atoll islands : a collaborative approach. Pac.QC903.2.P16C554 2016 IN
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit. Pou and Miri : learn to tackle climate change. CRC QL993.P68 2011 IN
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Learning about climate change the Pacific way : a visual guide : Samoa. Pac.QC981.8.C5S4 2013 OverSize IN
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Abaiang island, Kiribati : a Whole-of-Island Integrated Vulnerability Assessment. Pac.QC903.2.O3S8 2016 IN
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit. The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem : dynamics and interactions : [proceedings of the Workshop on Models for Yield Prediction in the Peruvian Ecosystem, 24-28 August 1987,Callao, Peru?]. Pac.GC228.6.P4W67 1989 IN
Book Deutscher, Guy, Dr. The unfolding of language : an evolutionary tour of mankind's greatest invention. P116.D48 2005 IN
Book Deutscher Verband fur Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau. Fish passes : design, dimensions and monitoring. FAO.SH157.85.F56F574 2002 IN
Book Deutschkron, Inge. Outcast: a Jewish girl in wartime Berlin. DS135.G4B4213 1989 IN
Book Devambez, L. Selected annotated bibliography of trochus (Trochus niloticus, Linn.). Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.111 IN
Book Devan, Janadas. Southeast Asia, challenges of the 21st century. Pac.DS526.7.S72 1994 IN
Book Devaney, Dennis Marine biological survey of proposed construction sites for the Truk runway. Pac.TL726.9.C58D49 IN
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