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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Nishimura, Syoyo. Molecular determinants of plant diseases. SB731.M54N57 1987 IN
 2 NISHIO, Keiko
Book Nishizono, Masahisa, 1928- Asian culture and psychotherapy : implications for East and West. RC451.A72A85 2005 IN
Book Nishizuka, Koko. The beckoning cat : based on a Japanese folktale. CRC PZ8.1.N61 2009 IN
Book Nisonger, Thomas E. Collection evaluation in academic libraries : a literature guide and annotated bibliography. Ref.Z675.U5N58 1992 IN
 4 Niue.
Book Niue Council of Women. Money without GNP : report of Non-communicable Diseases Prevention Workshop for Women, Niue, 25-27 May 1992. Pac.RA395O3M65 1992 IN
Book Niue. Dept. of Agricuture and Forestry. The 1987 national nutrition and dietary survey of Niue. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.202 IN
Book Niue. Dept. of Health. The 1987 national nutrition and dietary survey of Niue. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.202 IN
 2 Niue IWP National Programme
Book Niven, David Reader's digest condesed books, 1977. PN6013.5.R22g 1977 IN
 2 Niven, Larry
Book Niwrad, Percy. Animals are the funniest people. CRC NC1429.N58.A4 1976 IN
Book Nix, Denise P. Acute & chronic wounds : current management concepts. RD98.3.A38 2012 IN
Book Nixon, Christine. The changing environment for policing, 1985-2008. Gov.J 28.27/2:C 36 IN
 2 Nixon, Joan Lowery
Serial Nizinski, Martha Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Gov. SI 1.27: 525 IN
Book Nnakwe, Nweze Eunice. Community nutrition : planning health promotion and disease prevention. TX354.N63 2009 IN
Book Nnoromele, Salome, 1967- Nigeria. DT515.22.N6 2002 IN
Book NOBE (Firm) Forecasts of the economic growth in OECD countries and Central and Eastern European countries for the period 2000-2040 : a study. Doc.ECE/TIM/DP/24 IN
Book Noble, A. M. Codification of the regulations and orders for the government of American Samoa. Customs, immigration and harbor regulations, American Samoa. Printed for the use of the American Samoan Commission, 1931. Pac.KH400.S28 1931 IN
Book Noble, Cameron. Urban youth in the Pacific : increasing resilience and reducing risk for involvement in crime and violence. Pac.HQ799.O3N63 2011 IN
Book Noble, Cate. Dead right. PB NOB 2009 OUT
Book Noble, Constance, ill. Andy Bear : a polar cub grows up at the zoo. CRC QL737.C27J63 1985 IN
Book Noble, David F. Gallery of best resumes for people without a four-year degree. HF5383.N66 2009 OUT
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