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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Downes, Larry, 1959. The laws of disruption : harnessing the new forces that govern life and business in the digital age. HC79.I55D69 2009 IN
Book Downes, Patrick, 1984- author. Rescue & Jessica : a life-changing friendship. CRC PZ7.1.K5087 2018 IN
 4 Downing, David, 1946-
Book Downing, Douglas. Forgotten statistics : a self-teaching refresher course. QA276.12.D75 1996 IN
 3 Downing, Jane.
Book Downing, Julie, ill. A first book of Jewish Bible stories. CRC BM107.H64 2002 IN
 2 Downing, June, 1950-
Book Downing, Kevin F. Online science learning : best practices and technologies. Q181.D76 2008 IN
Book Downing, Skip. On course : strategies for creating success in college and in life. LB2343.3.D69 2011 IN
Book Downing, Thomas E. The atlas of climate change : mapping the world's greatest challenge. Ref.QC981.8.C5D75 2006 IN
Book Downing, Troy. Java virtual machine. QA76.73.J38M49 1997 IN
Book Downs, Alan. The velvet rage : overcoming the pain of growing up gay in a straight man's world. HQ76.D76 2005 IN
Mixed Downs, E. Chuck Speech for Under Secretary Hodel.
Book Downs, James Understanding culture : guidelines and techniques for training. Pac.LB1140.2.H39 IN
 2 Downs, James F.
Book Downs, Timothy Edward. How computers work. QA76.5.W488 2004 IN
Book Dowswell, Paul. First encyclopedia of space. CRC Ref.QB46.D76 2010 IN
Book Doxey, William W. Land: its occupancy, ownership and certification : trip report. Pac.HD1121.T7T38 c.1 IN
Book Doyle, A. Coconut uses--uses for the entire coconut. Pac. SB401.C6D6 2000 IN
Book Doyle, Adrian Conan. The exploits of Sherlock Holmes : a collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures based on unsolved cases from the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. PR6054.O89E96 1999 IN
 4 Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930.
Book Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sr. Three adventures of Sherlock Holmes. CRC.PZ6.D69 2000 IN
Book Doyle, Arthur Connan, 1859-1930 Tales of Sherlock Holmes. PR4624.T14 1963 IN
Book Doyle, Beverly, 1963- ill. Aliens from Earth : when animals and plants invade other ecosystems. CRC QH353.B29 2003 IN
Video Doyle, Christopher Rabbit proof fense. MITC DVD 619 IN
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