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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Hawaii Library Association. Federal Libraries Section. Federal libraries in Hawaii. Pac.Z675.G7H39 1980 IN
 2 Hawaii Library Association. Hawaiiana Section.
Book Hawaii Longline Association Proceedings of the International Tuna Fishers Conference on Responsible Fisheries & Third International Fishers Forum : July 25-29, 2005, Inter-Continental Grand, Yokohama, Japan. Pac.SH328.W39 2006 IN
Book Hawaii Maritime Center. Annual report. Pac.V13.U6H65a IN
 2 Hawaii Medical Service Association.
Book Hawaii Multi-Cultural Awareness Project. Growing up in Samoa. Pac.GN671.S2O5 IN
Book Hawaii Multicultural Awareness Project. Challenge of the masters. Pac.GR385.S3O5 IN
 5 Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
Book Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. United States. Dept. of Energy. Hawaii Natural Energy Institute : Annual report. Pac.Per.QH510.H39 1983 IN
 2 Hawaii. Ocean Resources Branch.
Book Hawaii. Office of Conservation & Coastal Lands. Hawaii coastal hazard mitigation guidebook. Pac.TC224.H3H92 2005 IN
Book Hawaii. Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Onipa'a : five days in the history of the Hawaiian nation: centennial observance of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Pac.DU627.2.O545 1994. IN
Book Hawaii. Office of Health Education. Common poisonous plants of Hawaii. Pac.SB617.H37 1970 IN
Book Hawaii. Office of Instructional Services. Special Needs Branch. Holo i mua : a guide for teachers of the severely multiply handicapped. CRC LC4032.H3H36 1978 IN
Book Hawaii. Office of International Relations. The Oceans and the environment, a Pacific Island perspective, April 22-23, 1992. Pac.GE190.P16O24 1992 IN
Book Hawaii. Office of the Governor. 'Imi loa. Pac.Per.JK9301.I45 IN
Book Hawaii Orchid Society. Bulletin. Pac.SB409.A1H372 IN
 2 Hawaii Papaya Industry Association. Conference.
 9 Hawaii Public Television
Book Hawaii Rehabilitation Research and Training Program. Improving rehabilitation services for handicapped persons in the Pacific Basin: non-competitive continuation request cooperative agreement #G0084c001 for year 04 (March 1, 1987-February 28, 1988). Pac.HV1568.2.H31 1986 IN
Book Hawaii Seafood Promotion Committee. Hawaii seafood buyers' guide. Pac.HD9457.H3H37 1988 IN
Book Hawaii Sports Network. HSN almanac. Pac.GV346.H76 2002 IN
Book Hawaii. State Commission on the Status of Women. Sugar cane magic. Pac.PZ7.M86 1977 IN
Book Hawaii State Department of Education. Teacher's guide : waiter-waitress. Pac.TX925.M59 1965 IN
Book Hawaii State. Dept. of Health. Micronesian migrants in Hawaii : health issues and culturally appropriate community-based solutions. Pac.RA448.5.P33M5 2005 c.2 IN
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