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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Allen, Arthur, 1959- Vaccine: the controversial story of medicine's greatest lifesaver. RA638.A45 2007 IN
Book Allen, Arthur A. (Arthur Augustus), 1885-1964. Song and garden birds of North America. QL681.W53 1964 IN
Book Allen, Betty Molesworth. Malayan fruits : an introduction to the cultivated species (with Thai & Tamil names)/. Pac.SB357.A5 1967 IN
Book Allen, Betty Pearl Cross, 1901- Legends of old Hawaii as told by Tutu to her grand-children. Pac.PZ8.1.A45 Le IN
Video Allen, Caludia Women in the workplace. MITC VC 1272 IN
Book Allen, Calvin H. Oman. DS247.O68A585 2003 IN
Book Allen, Constance. Oscar's grouchy sounds. CRC Pic.A45 1990 OUT
Book Allen, David, 1945 Dec. 28- Getting things done : the art of stress-free productivity. BF637.T5A5 2001 IN
Book Allen, Deane J., 1946- At the creation, 1961-1965 : origination documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Gov.D5.202:D36/2 IN
Book Allen, Debra J., 1957- The Oder-Neisse line : the United States, Poland, and Germany in the Cold War. DK4600.O3385A44 2003 IN
Book Allen, Desmond Walls. Beginner's guide to family history research. HQ518.B34A6 1998 IN
Book Allen, Donald Merriam, 1912- The collected poems of Frank O'Hara. PS3529.H28A17 1995 IN
Book Allen, Eleanor B. Statistics sources : a subject guide to data on industrial, business, social, educational, financial, and other topics for the United States and selected foreign countries. Ref.Z7551.S84 1986 IN
Book Allen, Gary I., Doctor. Building a democratic society : Principles for nation building. JC421.B84A78 1996 IN
Book Allen, Gerald. Marine life of the Pacific and Indian oceans : including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and all Southeast Asia. Pac.QH91.A444 1996 IN
 4 Allen, Gerald R.
Book Allen, Gwenfread, E. (Gwenfread Elaine), 1904- Bridge builders : the story of Theodore and Mary Atherton Richards. Pac.BV3680.H4R4762 IN
Book Allen, Harry E. Corrections in America : an introduction. HV9304.A5 1978 IN
 2 Allen, James A.
 2 Allen, James A. []
Book Allen, Jane The Old Japanese jail: archaeological surveying and testing at site SP-5-0020, Garapan, Saipan, Commenwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.DU640.G8A5 2006 IN
 2 Allen, Janet, 1950-
Book Allen, Jim. Sunda ans Sahul : prehistoric studies in South-East Asia, Melanesia and Australia. Pac.GN855.S68S93 IN
Book Allen, John K. Estimative products on Vietnam, 1984-1975. Gov.PREX3.21:V67 IN
Book Allen, John P. Assessing alcohol problems : a guide for clinicians and researchers. Gov.HE20.8308/2:4/2003 IN
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