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  Author Title Call Number Status
 3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 1.
Mixed U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. Assessment of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) population on the Naval computer and Telecommunication Master Station. VerF 1010 Pac. IN
 4 U.S. Geological Survey.
Mixed U.S. Geological Survey, Florida/Caribbean Science Center, c/o SERC, OE-148 Florida International University Downed wood in Micronesian mangrove forests. VerF 0916.2000 Pac. IN
Mixed U.S. Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center Downed wood in Micronesian mangrove forests. VerF 0916.2000 Pac. IN
 2 U.S. Global Change Research Program
Book U.S. Government Comptroller for Guam/TTPI. Annual report of the fiscal condition of the economic development loan fund : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for the year ended June 30, 1975. Pac.HF5681.A1U55 IN
Book U.S. Government Comptroller for Guam/TTPI/NMI. Annual report on the fiscal condition of the government of Guam for the year ended ... Pac.HJ2210.7.U13 1974 IN
Video U.S. Holocaust Museum. Into the arms of strangers. MITC VC 995 IN
Book U.S. Information Agency Talking English : conversation American Enlgish with cassette recording.
Book U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Implementation of the internal revenue code, May 1977. Pac.HJ3193.N38 IN
Serial U.S. National Museum. Critical notes on Pacific Island plants. I./.
 8 U.S. National Park Service.
Book U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. Secretary of the Navy. Sailing directions for the Pacific islands Volume II : Santa Cruz and New Hebrides groups, New Caledonia, and adjacent islands/. Pac.VK915.U7 1952 v.2 IN
Book U.S. Naval Pacific Missile Test Center. An interpretative history of the Pacific Missile Test Center : the genesis, road to Point Mugu, prnt-1946. Pac.VA68.C2W45 1991 IN
Mixed U.S. Navy Department, Office of Naval Research. The 1947 invasion of Micronesia. VerF 0998.48 Pac. IN
Book U.S. Navy Department Office of Records Administration. American naval occupation and government of Guam, 1898-1902. Pac.VA52.A24 no.6 IN
Book U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The road to Yucca Mountain : the development of radioactive waste policy in the United States. Gov.Y 3.N 88:2 Y 9 IN
U.S.P. See: University of the South Pacific
Book U.S. Peace Corps Micronesia. Documentation of Mortlockese giant swamp taro cultivars and other local foods on Ta, Moch, and Satowan, May 2006. Pac.SB211.T2L46 2006 IN
Book U.S. Public Health Service. The ABCs of safe and healthy care : a handbook for child care providers. Ref.HQ778.5.H13 IN
 2 U.S. Special Operations Command.
Book U.S. Survey Mission to the Trust Teritory of the Pacific Islands. Report by the U.S. Government Survey Mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : Volume two. Pac.DU500.U68 IN
Book U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Foreign Investment Branch. Department of Resources and Development. Black pepper : an investment opportunity in Ponape District. Pac. SB307.P4T7 IN
Mixed U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific. Office of the Deputy High Commissioner. Trust Territory policy letter, P-1 : land policy. Pac.HD1131.P7T78 IN
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