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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Spencer, Mary L., Coordinator FSM National Department of Education college entry skills conference, Palikir, Pohnpei, August 12-14, 1996 : summary and recommendations. Pac.LA2270.M5U1 1996 IN
Book Spencer, Mary L., editor. The Chuukese child : A Teacher's Resource = Ewe Smiriitin Chuuk Eei pwuk epwe ánisi ekkewe sense reen aar repwe aninnisééch ngeni ekkewe semiriit reen aar káé. Pac.DU568.T74W55 1992. IN
Book Spencer, Sally-Ann. The dwarves. PT2708.E48Z9 2009 OUT
Book Spender, Stephen, 1909- Love-hate relations; English and American sensibilities. PS159.G8S3 1974 OUT
 3 Spengler, Steven R.
Serial Spenneman, Dirk H. R. The United States annexation of Wake Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean.
 10 Spennemann, Dirk H.R.
Book Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (Dirk Heinrich Rudolph), 1958- For future use : a management conservation plan for the World War II sites in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Pac.D767.99.M3L66 1993 IN
 3 Spennemann, Dirk Heinrich Rudolph 1958-
 5 Spennemann, Dirk R.
Book Sperandeo, Victor. Trader Vic--methods of a Wall Street master. HG4661.S68 1993 IN
Book Sperlich, Wolfgang B., 1948- Tohi vagahau Niue = Niue language dictionary : Niuean-English, with English-Niuean finderlist. Pac.PL6481.Z5T65 1997 IN
Book Sperling, Dave. Dave Sperling's Internet guide. PE1128.A2S633 1998 IN
Mixed Sperling, Godfrey. Drinking doesn't always have to be part of life. VF 234 SPE 2001 IN
Book Sperling, Louise. Towards effective and sustainable seed relief activities : report of the Workshop on Effective and Sustainable Seed Relief Activities, Rome, 26-28 May 2003. FAO.SB117.4.D44W67 2003 IN
Book Sperry, Armstrong, 1897- Pacific Islands speaking. Pac.DU29.S65 IN
Book Speth, James Gustave. Red sky at morning : America and the crisis of the global environment. GE149.S64 2004 IN
Book Spezia, Luciano. Prehistory. QE711.2.P65 1983 IN
Book Speziale, Bob. Dear Ann, Dear Abby : the unauthorized biography of Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren. PN4874.L23P85 1987 IN
SPFS See: South Pacific Forum Secretariat
Book Spicer, Edward Holland, 1906- Human problems in technological change : a casebook. Pac.HM101.S77 c.1 IN
Book Spicer, John I. Biodiversity : an introduction. QH541.15.B56G37 1998 IN
Book Spicer, Patrick P. The Legal rights of handicapped persons : cases, materials, and text. KF480.A7L43 1983 IN
 2 Spickard, Paul R., 1950-
Book Spiegel, Eric. Energy shift : game-changing options for fueling the future. HD9502.A2S4 2009 IN
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