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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Saunders, Bill. Discover New Zealand : the glorious islands. Pac.DU406.J68 1984 IN
Book Saunders, Cheryl. Asia-Pacific constitutional systems. Pac.K3165.H27 2002 IN
Book Saunders, George In persuasion nation : stories. PS3569.A78S8 2006 IN
Book Saunders, Ian. Bill Nye the science guy's big blue ocean. CRC QC21.5.N95 1999 IN
Book Saunders, Laura, 1975- Information literacy as a student learning outcome : the perspective of institutional accreditation. ZA3075.S28 2011 IN
Book Saunders, Laverna M. The evolving virtual library. practical and philosophical perspectives. Z678.9.A4U633 1999 IN
Book Saunders, Marion Grace Hollenbach. A cross-cultural study of coalitions in the triad. Pac.DU500.S38 IN
Book Saunders, Mike, ill. The greenhouse effect. CRC QC912.3.E5 1997 IN
Book Saunders, N. (Nigel), author. Supersimple chemistry : the ultimate bite-size study guide. QD37 .S32 2020 IN
 2 Saunders, W.B.
Book Saunderson, Paul. Buruli ulcer : prevention of disability (POD). BTL RC451.4.B93 2002 box 190 IN
Book Saune, Nanise. Urban youth in the Pacific : increasing resilience and reducing risk for involvement in crime and violence. Pac.HQ799.O3N63 2011 IN
Book Saunir, G. Rural electrification guidebook for Asia and the Pacific. Pac.HD9688.R88 1992 IN
Book Saussotte, William V. Project & plan including technical, economic & financial analyses for the production of desiccated coconut in Ponape, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for United Micronesia Development Association. Pac.HC9259.C58S24 IN
Serial Sautman, Barry "China's Chernobyl" : Covid-19 narratives of collapse and global domination.
Book Sautter, R. Craig. Smart schools, smart kids : why do some schools work?. LA217.2.F54 1991 IN
Book Sauvain-Dugerdil, Claudine. Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Switzerland. Doc.HQ1064.S9B66 2002 IN
 4 Savada, Andrea Matles, 1950-
Book Savadier, Elivia. Jewish holidays all year round : a family treasury. CRC BM690.C65 2002 IN
Book Savage, Cathy. Cross-age tutoring : a direct instruction approach. CRC LB1031.5.G65 IN
Book Savage, John F., 1938- Sound it out! : phonics in a comprehensive reading program. LB1573.3.S28 2004 IN
Book Savage, Katherine. The story of the second world war. Pac.D743.7.S282 1958 IN
Book Savage, Kathleen A. Forensic science : an encyclopedia of history, methods, and techniques. Ref.HV8073.T55 2006 IN
Book Savage King, F. (Felicity), 1939- Nutrition for developing countries. BTL QP141.S9 1993 box 170 IN
Book Savage, Lance. New ways in teaching speaking. PE1128.A2B23 1994 IN
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