View previous page View next page Author Search:  University of South Pacific. Institute of Applied Sciences.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Dept. of Anthropology. The Laura report; a field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac.GN671.M32M38 IN
 5 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Economic Research Center.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Extension Division. Introduction to Japanese : basic sentence structure. Pac.PL535.F85 IN
 9 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). International Health Program.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Land Study Bureau. Land classification program proposal for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD1129.M5S34 1967 IN
 5 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Legislative Reference Bureau.
 3 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Office of International Programs.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute. Spoken Chamorro ; an intensive language course with grammatical notes and glossary. Pac.PL5295.T6 IN
 3 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific Islands Program.
 2 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific Islands Studies Program.
University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific Islands Studies Program See also: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Peace Corps Training Center. Lessons in Kusaien. Pac.PL6252.K861M3 1966 IN
 2 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Peace Corps Training Program.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). School of Nursing. An adventure in transcultural communication and health. Pac.RC455.4.E8A3 1975 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). School of Public Health. Pacific health. Pac.RA440.7.H3P32 IN
Serial University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Sociology Club. Social process in Hawaii. Pac.Per.HN933.S6 1994 v.36 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research. Hydrographic observations from the first U.S. cruise of the Western and Equatorial Pacific Ocean Circulation Study (WEPOCS), June-July, 1985. Pac.GC286.L8 1986 IN
Book University of Hawaii Library. Pacific Collection. Acquisition list : University of Hawaii Library Pacific Collection. Pac. Z 4501 .H385 1977-1979 IN
Book University of Hawaii, Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii. Pacific data summary for the Micronesian delegates to the Pacific Islands conference : the Pacific way. Pac.HC683.P32 1980 IN
Video University of Hawaii, Media Lab. Pearl grafting. MITC VC 242 IN
Book University of Hawaii Pacific Area Language Material Development Center. Hafa na manma'a'agang ham: Chamorro. Pac.PL5295.I3 1981 IN
 2 University of Hawaii Pacific Area Languages Materials Development Center
Book University of Hawaii Pacific Area Languages Materials Project. Usun famini me nóómw. Pac.PL6318.Z77S3 1982 IN
 2 University of Hawaii Pacific Area Languages Materials Project Center
 2 University of Hawaii, Pacific Business Center Program.
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