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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pitler, Howard, 1952- Using technology with classroom instruction that works. CRC LB1028.3.U849 2007 IN
Book Pitmag, William L. Outer Island oral history section: end of year report (fy-2003). Pac.D16.14.O1 2005 IN
Book Pitman, Paul M., 1955- Turkey : a country study. DR417.T875 1988 IN
Book Pitman, Randy, 1955- The video librarian's guide to collection development and management. Z692.V52P56 1992 IN
Book Pitman, Teresa. The womanly art of breastfeeding. RJ216.W72 2010 IN
Book Pitre, Christopher J. Love as a business strategy : resilience, belonging & success. HF5386.A593 2021 IN
Book Pitt, Barrie. The battle of the Atlantic. D770.P57 1977 IN
Book Pitt, David. Emerging pluralism: Samoan community in New Zealand. Pac.DU422.5.P58 IN
Book Pitti, Daniel V. Encoded Archival Description on the Internet. Z695.2.E63 2001 IN
Book Pittman, Derrick Class dismissed : 75 outrageous, mind-expanding college exploits (and lessons that won't be on the final). LB2343.3A5 2006 IN
Book Pittman, G. A. Whales and whaling in the Pacific. Pac.G545.P57 1983 IN
Book Pittman, George Alfred. SPC Readers: Intermediate. : [Book] 1-3 /. Pac.PE1130.5.O3S62 bk.2 IN
Mixed Pittman, Joyce. Making cyberspace safe for children. VF 53 PIT 2000 IN
Serial Pittman, Mary T. Reports of the United States Tax Court. Gov.JU 11.7:133 IN
Book Pittock, A. Barrie Climate change : the science, impacts and solutions. QC981.8.C5P68 2009 OUT
Book Pitzer, Pat The Overthrow of the Monarchy. Pac.DU627.2.P58 1994 IN
Book Pitzl, Gerald R. A history of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323 / by Gerald R. Pitzl. Gov.D214.13:F46/3 IN
Book Piven, Frances Fox. Why Americans don't vote. JK1987.P58 1988 IN
 2 Piven, Joshua.
Book Piver, Susan, 1957- The hard questions for adult children and their aging parents : 100 essential questions for facing the future together, with courage and compassion. HQ1062.6.P59 2004 IN
Computer Pixel Perfect. Dr. Schueler's home medical advisor pro. CD ROM 0287 1995 IN
Book Pizarro, Kris Ann. Traveling America's loneliest road : a geologic and natural history tour through Nevada along U.S. Highway 50. QE137.T56 2000 IN
Book Pizer, Donald, editor. McTeague : $ba story of San Francisco : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism. PS2472.M37 1977 IN
Video Piznarski, Mark Here on earth. MITC DVD 1179 IN
Book Pizzey, Graham, 1930- A field guide to the birds of Australia. Pac.QL693.P59 1980 IN
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