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Book Koeberlein, Geralyn M. Elementary geometry for college students. QA453.A44 2011 IN
Book Koechley, Robert. Libraries & the internet. Ref.Z674.75.I58L53 1997 IN
Book Koed, Betty K. Biographical directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005 : the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First through the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 2005, inclusive. Gov.Y 1.1/7:108-222 IN
Book Koed, Betty K. author. Scences: people, places, and events that shaped the United States Senate. Gov.Y1.3:SE 5/13 2022 IN
Book Koegel, Lynn Kern Teaching children with autism : strategies for initiating positive interactions and improving learning opportunities. LC4717.5T42 1995 IN
Book Koegel, Robert L. 1944- Teaching children with autism : strategies for initiating positive interactions and improving learning opportunities. LC4717.5T42 1995 IN
Serial Koehler, R. (Rene) b. 1860 Philippine brittlestars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) described by R. Koehler (1922) : a corrected and annotated list of type specimens. Gov. SI 1.27:537 IN
Book Koehler, Wallace C. Fundamentals of information studies : understanding information and its environment. Z665.L535 2007 IN
Book Koen, Willie. Tuttle's concise Indonesian dictionary : English-Indonesian, Indonesian-English. Ref.PL5076.K7 1993 IN
Book Koenen, Krisztina. Soros on Soros : staying ahead of the curve. HG172.S63A5 1995 IN
Computer Koenig, Kristi L. Emergency medicine plus. CD ROM 0300 1996 IN
Book Koenig, Michael E. D. Knowledge management for the information professional. HD30.2.K6369 2000 IN
Book Koenig, Nathan, Economic Consultant, Study mission to Eastern (American) Samoa. Pac.DU819.A1.U5 1961 IN
Video Koenig, Teresa. Cyclone!. MITC VC 1156 IN
Book Koenigsberg, Richard A. Hitler's ideology : a study in psychoanalytic sociology. DD247.H5K59 1975 IN
Book Koennecker, G. Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether. Doc.WHO C 748 no.41 IN
Book Koentjaraningrat, 1923- Introduction to the peoples and cultures of Indonesia and Malaysia. DS631.K625 IN
Video Koepp, David Jurassic park. MITC VC 556 IN
Video Koester, Helmut, 1926- From Jesus to Christ : the first Christians. MITC VC 1074 A IN
Book Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., 1973- Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. DS934.6.K5.K64 2004 IN
Book Kofel, John W. EdD President & Chief Executive Officer. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning : annual report. Pac.LB2285.P33P11 2003 IN
Book Kofranek, Anton M. Hartmann's plant science : growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants. SB91.P56 2002 IN
Book Kogen, Brown. Side by side : the revolutionary mother-daughter program for conflict-free communication. HQ755.85.S643 2010 IN
Serial Kohan, Alan R. Current and proposed paradigms of vocational education for Micronesia.
Book Kohen, Elizabeth, 1960- Spain. DP17.K6 2003 IN
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