View previous page View next page Author Search:  United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book United States. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Hurricane Katrina response. Gov.HS4.202:K15 IN
Serial United States Bureau of Investigation. Uniform crime reports for the United States. Gov.J1.14/7:982 IN
Book United States. Bureau of Justice Assistance. Violent encounters : a study of felonious assaults on our nation's law enforcement officers. Gov.J1.14/2:EN1 IN
Serial United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Policing and homicide, 1976-98 : justifiable homide by police, police officers murdered by felons. Gov.J1.2:P75/9 IN
 2 United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Book United States. Bureau of Land Management. Inventory and monitoring of wildlife habitat. QH541.15.M64C66 1986 IN
Computer United States. Bureau of Mines. The mineral industry of Hawaii.
Book United States. Bureau of Plant Industry. The plant disease reporter. Pac.SB599.P95 IN
Book United States. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering. The plant disease reporter. Pac.SB599.P95 IN
Book United States. Bureau of Reclamation. Metric manual. Ref.QC92.U54.U53 1980 IN
 4 United States. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife.
 49 United States. Bureau of the Census.
 3 United States. Bureau of the Census. Administrative and Customer Services Division.
 4 United States. Bureau of the Census. Data User Services Division.
 2 United States. Bureau of the Census Foreign Trade Division.
 3 United States. Bureau of the Census. Geography Division.
Serial United States. Bureau of the Census. Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division. Population Profile of the United States. Gov.C3.186/8:997 IN
 3 United States. Bureau of the Census. Housing Division.
Book United States. Bureau of the Census. Popular Division. 1980 census of population. Pac.HA329.1.A109 1980 IN
 4 United States. Bureau of the Census. Population Division.
Book United States. Bureau of the Census. Public Information Office. We, the Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. Pac.E184.O6J6 1988 IN
Serial United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics Journal of transportation statistics. Gov. TD 12.18: IN
Serial United States. Center for Education Statistics. Directory of public elementary and secondary education agencies. Gov.ED1.111/2:994-95 IN
 19 United States. Central Intelligence Agency.
Map United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Cartography Center. Iraq country profile. Gov.PREX3.10/4:IR1/31 IN
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