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  Author Title Call Number Status
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Development. Statistical Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Information. Statistics Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
Book United Nations. Dept. of Economics and Social Affairs. Business and the United Nations : partners in sustainable development industry and technology ; based on case studies of technology transfer exhibited at the sixth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (20 April - 1 May 1998). Doc. HD 70 .D48B IN
Book United Nations. Dept. of General Assembly Affairs Conference Services. United Nations correspondence manual : a guide to the drafting processing, and dispatch of official United Nations communications. Doc.JZ4970.U55 2000 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs. DHA news. Doc.HV553.U16 IN
 7 United Nations. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs
Serial United Nations. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. Population newsletter. Doc.HB848.P64 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization. Decolonization : a publication of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship, and Decolonization. Pac.DU500.U5814 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Political and Security Council Affairs. Repertoire of the practice of the Security Council. Doc.JZ5006.5.R46 2007 IN
 24 United Nations. Dept. of Public Information.
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Public Information. Peace and Security Section. Year in review ... United Nations peace missions. Doc.JZ4945.Y43 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Social Affairs. Demographic yearbook. : Annuaire demographique. Doc.HA17.D45 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Social Affairs. Population Division. Population bulletin of the United Nations. Doc.HB848 .P619 IN
 3 United Nations Development Advisory Team.
 6 United Nations Development Advisory Team for the Pacific.
Book United Nations Development Advisory Team for the Pacific.710 Tuvalu international trade. Pac.HF4030.7.Z8T8 1980 IN
 2 United Nations Development Advisory Team for the Pacific (UNDAT)
Book United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)) United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the Pacific Region 2013-2017. Pac.HC935.U549 IN
 3 United Nations Development Fund for Women.
Book United Nations Development Fund for Women. Pacific Regional Office. Ending violence against women and girls : evidence, data and knowledge in Pacific Island countries : literature review and annotated bibliography. Pac.HV6250.4.W65E528 2011 IN
Book United Nations Development Group. Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals : definitions, rationale, concepts and sources. Doc.HC59.3.I53 2003 IN
Book United Nations. Development Policy Analysis Division. World economic and social survey 2000 : trends and policies in the world economy.
Book United Nations Development Program. Millennium development goals & the Federated States of Micronesia : status report 2010. Pac.HN980.M55 2010 IN
United Nations Development Program See: United Nations Development Programme
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