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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book White House Conference on School Libraries (2002 : Washington, D.C.) White House Conference on School Libraries. Ref Z675.S3 2002 IN
 4 White House Historical Association.
 2 White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans (U.S.)
Serial White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (U.S.). White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Gov.ED1.2:H62/2002 IN
 2 White House Millennium Council (U.S.)
Book White, J. Morgan. Contemporary microcomputer tools. QA76.6.B33 1991 OUT
Book White, James E. Contemporary moral problems. BJ1031.W58 2012 IN
Book White, Jerry Patrick, 1951- Aboriginal conditions : research as a foundation for public policy. E78.C2A14 2003 IN
Book White, John, 1934 Nov. 7- Methods in philosophy of education. LB41.M619 2001 IN
Book White, Jr., Henry T.. Various industries in American Samoa : an economic report. Pac.HC687.S3U58 1980 IN
Book White, Julia Band 8-9 vocabulary for IELTS speaking : learn 2000+ essential words and phrases explained to help you maximise your speaking score!. Ref.PE1128.W45 2019 IN
Book White, Julie Anne, 1965- Democracy, justice, and the welfare state : reconstructing public care. JC479.W58 2000 IN
Book White, Kathleen M., 1940- Treating child abuse and family violence in hospitals : a program for training and services. RC569.5.C55.W58 1989 IN
Book White, Kathryn (Kathryn Ivy) When will it snow?. CRC PZ7.W58 2011 IN
Book White, Ken W. The online teaching guide : a handbook of attitudes, strategies, and techniques for the virtual classroom. LB1044.87 .O45 1999 IN
Book White, Laurie L., 1948- Real writing, argumentation, reflection, information with stylic options : the sentence and the paragraph. PE1408.B466 1982 IN
 2 White, Lois (Lois Elain Wacker)
Book White, Lynn Townsend, 1907- Medieval technology and social change. CB353.W5 1964 IN
Book White, Margaret Why should I? : a fun way to learn about the law. CRC PZ7.S4f 1987 IN
Video White, Marian One small step. MITC DVD 1162 IN
Mixed White, Martha M. Facilitating adolescent smoking : who provides the cigarettes. VF 299 WHI 2005 IN
Book White, Maxwell. An interpretative history of the Pacific Missile Test Center : the genesis, road to Point Mugu, prnt-1946. Pac.VA68.C2W45 1991 IN
 2 White, Michael.
Book White, Michael A. A comparison and cross-analysis of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia as approved by the Micronesian Constitutional Convention, and the draft Compact of Free Association, June, 1974, draft. Pac.JQ6551.A5W45 IN
Book White, Ned. Colonia Center project site plan and design : prepared for the Office of Planning, Budget and Statistics by the Planning Division staff and University of Oregon Micornesia and South Pacific Technical Assistance Program. Pac.NA4384.M5Y35 1993 IN
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