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Book Bourgoin, Allain College of Micronesia-FSM. Division of Natural Science and Mathematics. Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Historical review, and present distribution and abundance of potential commercial sea cucumbers in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia : (final report). Pac.SH399.H7E39 c.2 IN
Book Bourgoin, Allain [et al.]. Distribution, abundance and management of potential commercial holothurians in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.QL384.F42B66 2005 IN
Book Bourke, Myra Jean 1943- Weaving a double-cloth : stories of Asia-Pacific women in Australia. Pac.HQ1822.5.A3W43 2002 IN
Serial Bourke, R. Michael. Pacific island food security : situation challenges and opportunities.
Book Bourland, Petey Guam women's club cook book. Pac.TX725.G8G84 1975 IN
Book Bournazel, Eric, joint author. The feudal transformation : 900-1200. DC82.P6513 1991 IN
Book Bourne, Barbara. Thinking like mathematicians : putting the NCTM standards into practice : updated for standards 2000. QA135.5.R72 2001 IN
Book Bourne, Joyce. The concise Oxford dictionary of music. Ref.ML100.K35 2004 IN
Book Bourne, N. (Neil), 1929- Hatchery culture of bivalves : a practical manual. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Bourns, Charles T. Truk Islands fishkill :| bApril 17, 1970. Pac.SH171.B68 1970 IN
Book Bourque, Stephen A. (Stephen Alan), 1950- Jayhawk! : the VII Corps in the Persian Gulf War. Gov.D114.2:J33 IN
 2 Bourre, A.L.
Book Bourre, Anne-Laure. Annotated bibliography on medical research in the South Pacific : addendum. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.142 IN
Book Bourseiller, Philippe America's parks. TR729.W54B69 2006 IN
Serial Boury-Esnault, Nicole Thesaurus of sponge morphology. Gov. SI 1.27:596 IN
Book Boutilier, James A. Mission, church, and sect in Oceania. Pac.BV3670.M49 IN
 3 Boutrif, Ezzeddine.
Book Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 1922- Building peace and development : 1994 report on the work of the organization from the forty-eighth to the forty-ninth session of the General Assembly. HF1411.B69 1994 IN
Book Bova, Russell. Can democracy take root in post-Soviet Russia? : explorations in the state-society relations. JN6699.A15C36 1998 IN
Book Bove, Alfred A. Bove and Davis´diving medicine. RC1005.D583 2004 IN
 2 Bovée, Courtland L.
Book Bovetz, Marie Sunshine at home : parent-child reading program. CRC PS1558.B68 1993 IN
Book Bovey, G. F. Education seminar for the South Pacific : report and recommendations of the Regional Education Seminar, held under South Pacific Commission auspices at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, from November 16-27, 1959. Pac.Per.DU1.S586 1960 no.133 IN
 2 Bovey, Rob.
Book Bovis, Edmond de, 1818-1870. Tahitian society before the arrival of the Europeans. Pac.DU870.B63 1980 IN
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