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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Desmond, Adrian J., 1947- Darwin. QH31.D2D42 1992 IN
Book Desmonde, Kay. Dolls. CRC NK4893.D4 1974 IN
 5 Desonie, Dana.
Book Desowitz, Robert S. New Guinea tapeworms and Jewish grandmothers : tales of parasites and people. QH311.D46 1981 IN
Book Despini, Aikaterini. Greek art : ancient gold jewelry. NK7307.D48 1996 IN
Book Desputeaux, Héléne ill. The first day of school. CRC Pic.M23 1996 IN
 2 Dessen, Sarah.
Book Dessinger, Joan Conway. Training older workers and learners : maximizing the workplace performance of an aging workforce. HD6279.M67 2007 IN
Book D'Este, Carlo, 1936- Patton : a genius for war. E745.P3D46 1995 IN
Video Destiny Image Films Freedom figther. MITC DVD 665 IN
 5 Desurmont, Aymeric.
Book Desurmont, Aymeric Fisheries Information Specialist. Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen = Manual d'identification des espèces marines destine aux pêcheurs à lapalangre horizontale. Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006 IN
Book Detels, Roger. Oxford textbook of public health. Ref.RA425.O9 2002 IN
Book Detroit Institute of Arts. "Primitivism" in 20th century art : affinity of the tribal and the modern. Pac.N6494.P7P75 1984 v.1 IN
Book Dettelbach, Michael. Observations made during a voyage around the world. Pac G420.C65F67 1996 IN
Book Detwiler, Donald S. War in Asia and the Pacific : the naval operations (volume 5, part II). IN
Book Deuker, Carl. Runner. PZ7.D493 2005 OUT
Book Deunert, Boris. Anthropological survey of Jaluit Atoll : terrestrial and underwater reconnaissance surveys and oral history recordings. Pac.DU710.A58 1999 IN
Book Deuse, Jacques. Weed control. SB613.T8L38 1991 OUT
Book Deutermann, Peter T., 1941- Spider Mountain. PB DEU 2008 IN
Book Deutsch, Babette, 1895- Poetry handbook; a dictionary of terms. Ref.PN44.5.D4 1974 IN
 3 Deutsch, Eliot.
 2 Deutsche Gesellschaft fu¨r Internationale Zusammenarbeit.
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internatioanle Zusammenarbeit. Integrated vulnerability assessment framework for atoll islands : a collaborative approach. Pac.QC903.2.P16C554 2016 IN
Book Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit. Pou and Miri : learn to tackle climate change. CRC QL993.P68 2011 IN
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