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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Fraser, Donald. A dictionary of musical quotations. Ref.ML66.C86 1985 IN
Mixed Fraser, Laura. The Pacific potion : an herbal tranquilizer is poised to become a supplement superstar. Can kava calm your nerves?. VerF 0498.99 Pac IN
Book Fraser, Lisa Making your mark. LB2343.32.F86 2005 IN
Book Fraser-Lu, Sylvia. Material choices : refashioning bast and leaf fibers in Asia and the Pacific. Pac.TS1541.M38 2007 IN
Book Fraser, Mary Ann I.Q. goes to the library. CRC PZ7.F86455 2005 IN
Book Fraser, Nicole [et al.] Best practices guide for Crown-of-Thorns clean-ups. Pac.QL384.A8F84 2000 IN
Book Fraser, Russell A. The tragedy of King Lear. PR2819.A2F7 1963 IN
Book Fraser, Thomas M. Fishermen of South Thailand : the Malay villagers. DS570.M3F7 1966 IN
Video Fraser University. Children's literature and how it grew. MITC DVD 765 IN
Book Frasier, Anne. Before I wake. PB FRA 2005 OUT
Book Fraustino, Lisa Rowe. The hickory chair. CRC PZ7.F8655 2000 IN
 2 Frazee, Charles A.
Book Frazee, Marla, ill. All the world. CRC PS3619.C265A79 2009 IN
Book Frazer, Ian. Redefining the Pacific? : regionalism past, present and future. Pac.JZ5336.R43 2006 IN
Mixed Frazer, James George The belief in immortality among the Ponapeans. VerF 0708.68 Pac. IN
Book Frazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941. The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead. Pac.BL530.F7 1968 IN
Video Frazer, Nick Ponape island of mystery. MITC VC 6 c.2 IN
Book [Frazer, Sir James George], 1854-1941. The golden bough; a study in magic and religion. Pac.BL310.F7 1929 IN
Video Frazetta, Frank Fire and Ice. MITC ENT 61 c.1 OUT
Book Frazier, Charles, 1950- Cold mountain. PS3556.R3599C6 1997 IN
Book Frazier, Edward Franklin, 1894-1962. Black bourgeoisie : the rise of a new middle class. E185.61.F833 1957 IN
Book Frazier, Frances N. Kamehameha and his warrior Kekühaupi'o. Pac.DU627.1.D47 2000 IN
Book Frazier, Kendrick. Solar system. QB501.F73 1985 IN
Book Frazier, W. A. (William Allen), 1908- Seven new tomatoes : varieties resistant to spotted wilt, fusarium wilt, and gray leaf spot. Pac.S399.E2 1950 IN
Book Frechtman, Bernard. Miracle of the rose. PQ2613.E53M67 1965 IN
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